Re: pure parsers and reentrant scanners

From: Andreas Karlsson <andreas(at)proxel(dot)se>
To: Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>, pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: pure parsers and reentrant scanners
Date: 2024-12-17 00:46:18
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On 12/16/24 8:39 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> I'll leave it at this for now and wait for some reviews.

I really like this work since it makes the code cleaner to read on top
of paving the way for threading.

Reviewed the patches and found a couple of issues.

- Shouldn't yyext in syncrep_scanner_init() be allocated on the heap? Or
at least on the stack but by the caller?

- I think you have flipped the parameters of replication_yyerror(), see
attached fixup patch.

- Some white space issues fixed in an attached fixup patch.

- Also fixed the static remaining variables in the replication parser in
an attached patch.

- There seems to be a lot left to do to make the plpgsql scanner
actually re-entrant so I do not think it would makes sense to commit the
patch which sets the re-entrant option before that is done.


Attachment Content-Type Size
v2-0020-fixup-replication-parser-pure-parser-and-reentran.patch text/x-patch 1.2 KB
v2-0021-fixup-replication-parser-pure-parser-and-reentran.patch text/x-patch 1.2 KB
v2-0022-replication-parser-Use-flex-yyextra.patch text/x-patch 5.1 KB

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