I have a table with measurement values and columns like this:
analyses(id, sample_id, parameter[temperatur...], value, unit[C...], error)
With PL/PgSQL at the end I want try to perform a pivot-like arrangement of
these data:
sample_id|Temperature [C]|parameter2 [mg/L]|...|parameterN [L/year]
5 | 23.00| 0.036|...| 35.1
My first attempts to only give back the original table within a function
failed. There are tons of examples to select one value into a variable...
But for more I browsed through the net and my book but I couldn't find
anything that works. I'm new to PL/PgSQL. Could anyone show me a _very_simple_
example of how to to read (the columns I like) from a table and return the
columns (I like) using tablename%rowtype and an other possiblity if
I also found very few sources about handling of arrays and how to fill them up
with query results... things like this. Does anyone know a more comprehensive