On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 09:26, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> Hrm. I just saw that the PHP ADODB guy just published a bunch of database
> benchmarks. It's fairly evident to me that benchmarking PostgreSQL on
> Win32 isn't really fair:
> http://php.weblogs.com/oracle_mysql_performance
> *sigh*
There's two fundamental flaws with this test. Well, more than that.
First off, if you read the hardware specs, you know that this guy is,
well, either ignorant, or flat out lying. There is no question of that -
I'm familiar with the Sun E450, and it's slowest available module is the
300MHz UltraSPARC with I believe 1MB eCache. You cannot equip an E450
with two 167MHz (NOT 166MHz) processors.
Secondly, it's clear that something was doctored in the results or the
queries, which was not mentioned, by the difference between MySQL and
Oracle 8.1.7 on the purportedly 'same' Windows workstation, is absurdly
slow compared to MySQL. Figures are incomplete, proper details of the
systems are not provided, etcetera.
Point blank, this benchmark is clearly forged or doctored, and
completely discredits itself with a total lack of disclosure. I think it
is more important to simply point this out, than to argue Pg is better
than this that or the other, quite frankly.
-- Ketrien Saihr-Kenchedra <ksaihr(at)error404(dot)nls(dot)net>
Lead Developer and Project Mangler, LiveJournal/PostgreSQL
<angry> this artist has some anger management problems
<ket> angry - look who's talking.