On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 23:59, Joe Conway wrote:
> I've hacked the spec file from a 7.2.x source RPM to produce a 7.3 source RPM.
> I've also created a set of i686 binary RPMs. These are *not* official PGDG
> RPMs, and I'm not an RPM expert by any means (so use at your own risk!), but
> I've posted them in case anyone is interested. I'll leave them up until Lamar
> gets time to create the "official" set.
> http://www.joeconway.com/
Thanks, they seem to work fine.
Except that I had to tweak the startup script -
as distributed it defines the version to be 7.3b2 and checks database for version 7.2.
It also expects/puts the database in nonstandard place.
But otherways they saved me a lot of trouble ;)