> Are you sure your restoring to an empty database? If you try to restore
> your dump into the database you dumped it from (without first
> drop/create) it will take forever as you'll have all kinds of data
> collisions (imagine every insert into a table erroring out due to
> duplicate primary key).
Yes, I'm sure it is an empty database. I didn't mention in the e-mail,
but the complete script I did is:
$pg_dump -s DB1 > DB1.sql
$pg_dump -a -b -Fc -f DB1.dump -o -v DB1
$dropdb DB2
$createdb DB2
$psql DB2 <DB1.sql
$pg_restore -a -d DB2 -Fc -o -v DB1.dump
So it's a brand new DB I'm restoring to.
> As for the -Ft vs. -Fc size question, the tar format is not a compressed
> format, while the "c"ustom format is.