I have the following query running on two different servers. It works on
7.0.3 and gives the following error on 7.1beta4.
ERROR: Attribute 'last_name' not found
Your SQL statement:
SELECT first_name, last_name, middle_name, u.uid, end_year
FROM user_info u, auth a
WHERE u.uid = pri_key AND a.auth_table = 'user_info' AND live = 't'
AND site_id IN ('214') AND u.end_year > date_part('year', date 'today') - 2
SELECT first_name, last_name, middle_name, u.uid, end_year
FROM user_info u, current c
WHERE u.uid = c.uid
ORDER BY UPPER(last_name)
I'm figuring it is in the ORDER BY, but I'm not sure. Can anyone help me