My name is Erdenemandal. I am using PostgreSQL and plpgsql language. I
am wondering , is it possible to call shell programm from plpgsql
language. I want to create XML file from Database.
I mean I want to use plpgsql language for export settings (in database)
in XML format.
Plese give me advice, how can I solve this problem.
I am using VB. NET for application.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Erdenemandal Bat-Erdene
Teltra GmbH
Ermlandstraße 29
44789 Bochum
Tel: +49(0)234/ 33 36 93 3
Fax: +49(0)234/ 93 53 98 93
E-Mail: erdene(at)teltra(dot)de