From: "Dan B" <db(at)cyclonehq(dot)dnsalias(dot)net>
> I am writing my first trigger & function.
I'm about a week ahead of you, so if we were using MS products I'd be a
qualified trainer by now.
> First question:
> ---------------
> I can't get psql to take the function declaration.
> ds=# > CREATE FUNCTION trigger_insert_update_copay()
> ds-# LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
> ds-# Error: ERROR: Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION:
> 'plpgsql'. Recognized languages are sql, C, internal and the created
> procedural languages.
You need to run "createlang plpgsql dbname" on the database first - man
> Here is my function:
Everything looks fine to the naked eye - one createlang and you're in
business I'd say.
- Richard Huxton