Dear All,
I have a database schema consist of 3 table, I located them in 3
different workstations (Ethernet LAN) each has psql 7.1. (trying to do
some parallel experiments):
the first table A, has a primary key say A.att1 (created and
allocated correctly, in the first workstation)
the second table B, has primary key say B.att2 (created and allocated
correctly, in the second workstation)
the third table C, has 2 Foreign key which are referenced to table
A.att1 and B.att2
I have tried to create table C with those attributes as primary but I
create table C_ (c_att1 int4, c_att2 int4, c_att3 int4, c_att4 int4
(c_att1 , c_att2)); (because of the attribute duplication)
Dose any one has suggestion how to create C tale with sort of
Thak you
Kind Regards
Mohammed alhaddad
Department of Computer Science
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ
Room 3.402
+44 1206 87 2038