>Your install is conflicting because the package names
>are not the same. You'll need to remove the old
>package from postgres 6.5.3 (rpm -e pg_ifa)
When I did this I received the following error message:
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
pg_ifa is needed by mod_php-
pg_ifa is needed by pygresql-2.4.99
pg_ifa is needed by pg_iface-
pg_ifa is needed by pgaccess-0.98.28
libpq.so.2.0 is needed by mod_php-
libpq.so.2.0 is needed by pg_iface-
libpq.so.2.0 is needed by postgres-
.> and then
> nstall the postgres 7 stuff. I just put all the RPM s
not done.
I think Suse distibution need something more.
I am sending a message to Suse asking for help too.
José Luiz Pedroza