i?m new to pljava and the first I tried was creating a stored procedure in pljava.
But it doesnt work.
Here a quick walkthrough of my code:
There is a package test with my (one and only) Java class TestPLJava.
It has a main routine (which does nothing, but i seem to need it to generate the JAR)
and my desired method ?einParameter? which should take one integer parameter and return a string.
Here it is:
package test;
public class TestPLJava {
public static java.lang.String einParameter(int in) {
return "ein Parameter "+in;
public static void main(String[] args) {
I declare / map the method within a SQLJDeploymentDescriptor which is:
SQLActions[] = {
create function javatest.testeiner(integer)
returns character varying
as 'test.TestPLJava.einParameter'
language java;
select sqlj.set_classpath('javatest', 'PLJavaTest');
DROP FUNCTION javatest.testeiner(integer);
I generate the JAR (with eclipse, my Java-IDE ? but this shouldn?t matter?) and install it with:
select sqlj.install_jar('file:///c:/myDirectory/PLJavaTest.jar', 'PLJavaTest', true);
And so far it works fine. In the pgAdmin tool I could find a function ?testeiner? which points to my java method.
Even the classpath is set.
But if I trie to call the function i get an error message. The command:
select testeiner(1);
Results in:
ERROR: function testeiner(integer) does not exist
SQL Status:42883
Hinweis:No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
And calling:
select javatest.testeiner(1);
ERROR: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.TestPLJave
SQL Status:XX000
I am working with a PostgreSQL Database 8.2 on a Windows Server 2003 with Java 1.6.0_03.
Thanks in advance,
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