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Chapter 3. Data Types

Describes the built-in data types available in Postgres.

Postgres has a rich set of native data types available to users. Users may add new types to Postgres using the CREATE TYPE command.

In the context of data types, the following sections will discuss SQL standards compliance, porting issues, and usage. Some Postgres types correspond directly to SQL92-compatible types. In other cases, data types defined by SQL92 syntax are mapped directly into native Postgres types. Many of the built-in types have obvious external formats. However, several types are either unique to Postgres, such as open and closed paths, or have several possibilities for formats, such as the date and time types.

Table 3-1. Postgres Data Types

Postgres Type SQL92 or SQL3 Type Description
bool boolean logical boolean (true/false)
box   rectangular box in 2D plane
char(n) character(n) fixed-length character string
cidr   IP version 4 network or host address
circle   circle in 2D plane
date date calendar date without time of day
decimal decimal(p,s) exact numeric for p <= 9, s = 0
float4 float(p), p < 7 floating-point number with precision p
float8 float(p), 7 <= p < 16 floating-point number with precision p
inet   IP version 4 network or host address
int2 smallint signed two-byte integer
int4 int, integer signed 4-byte integer
int8   signed 8-byte integer
interval interval general-use time span
line   infinite line in 2D plane
lseg   line segment in 2D plane
money decimal(9,2) US-style currency
numeric numeric(p,s) exact numeric for p == 9, s = 0
path   open and closed geometric path in 2D plane
point   geometric point in 2D plane
polygon   closed geometric path in 2D plane
serial   unique id for indexing and cross-reference
time time time of day
timetz time with time zone time of day, including time zone
timestamp timestamp with time zone date/time
varchar(n) character varying(n) variable-length character string

Note: The cidr and inet types are designed to handle any IP type but only ipv4 is handled in the current implementation. Everything here that talks about ipv4 will apply to ipv6 in a future release.

Table 3-2. Postgres Function Constants

Postgres Function SQL92 Constant Description
getpgusername() current_user user name in current session
date('now') current_date date of current transaction
time('now') current_time time of current transaction
timestamp('now') current_timestamp date and time of current transaction

Postgres has features at the forefront of ORDBMS development. In addition to SQL3 conformance, substantial portions of SQL92 are also supported. Although we strive for SQL92 compliance, there are some aspects of the standard which are ill considered and which should not live through subsequent standards. Postgres will not make great efforts to conform to these features; however, these tend to apply in little-used or obsure cases, and a typical user is not likely to run into them.

Most of the input and output functions corresponding to the base types (e.g., integers and floating point numbers) do some error-checking. Some of the operators and functions (e.g., addition and multiplication) do not perform run-time error-checking in the interests of improving execution speed. On some systems, for example, the numeric operators for some data types may silently underflow or overflow.

Some of the input and output functions are not invertible. That is, the result of an output function may lose precision when compared to the original input.

Note: Floating point numbers are allowed to retain most of the intrinsic precision of the type (typically 15 digits for doubles, 6 digits for 4-byte floats). Other types with underlying floating point fields (e.g. geometric types) carry similar precision.

Numeric Types

Numeric types consist of two- and four-byte integers, four- and eight-byte floating point numbers and fixed-precision decimals.

Table 3-3. Postgres Numeric Types

Numeric Type Storage Description Range
decimal variable User-specified precision ~8000 digits
float4 4 bytes Variable-precision 6 decimal places
float8 8 bytes Variable-precision 15 decimal places
int2 2 bytes Fixed-precision -32768 to +32767
int4 4 bytes Usual choice for fixed-precision -2147483648 to +2147483647
int8 8 bytes Very large range fixed-precision +/- > 18 decimal places
numeric variable User-specified precision no limit
serial 4 bytes Identifer or cross-reference 0 to +2147483647

The numeric types have a full set of corresponding arithmetic operators and functions. Refer to Numerical Operators and Mathematical Functions for more information.

The int8 type may not be available on all platforms since it relies on compiler support for this.

The Serial Type

The serial type is a special-case type constructed by Postgres from other existing components. It is typically used to create unique identifiers for table entries. In the current implementation, specifying

CREATE TABLE tablename (colname SERIAL);
is equivalent to specifying:
CREATE SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq;
CREATE TABLE tablename
    (colname INT4 DEFAULT nextval('tablename_colname_seq');
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tablename_colname_key on tablename (colname);

The implicit sequence created for the serial type will not be automatically removed when the table is dropped.

Implicit sequences supporting the serial are not automatically dropped when a table containing a serial type is dropped. So, the following commands executed in order will likely fail:
CREATE TABLE tablename (colname SERIAL);
DROP TABLE tablename;
CREATE TABLE tablename (colname SERIAL);
The sequence will remain in the database until explicitly dropped using DROP SEQUENCE.