ascii (text) |
integer |
Returns the ASCII
code of the first character of the argument. |
ascii('x') |
120 |
btrim (string text,
trim text) |
text |
Remove (trim) the longest string consisting only of
characters in trim from
the start and end of string . |
btrim('xyxtrimyyx','xy') |
trim |
chr (integer) |
text |
Returns the character with the given ASCII code. |
chr(65) |
A |
convert (string text,
[src_encoding name,] dest_encoding name) |
text |
Converts string using dest_encoding . The original encoding
is specified by src_encoding . If src_encoding is omitted, database
encoding is assumed. |
text_in_unicode represented
in ISO 8859-1 |
initcap (text) |
text |
Converts first letter of each word (whitespace
separated) to upper case. |
initcap('hi thomas') |
Hi Thomas |
length (string ) |
integer |
length of string
length('jose') |
4 |
lpad (string text,
length integer [,
fill text]) |
text |
Fills up the string to
length length by
prepending the characters fill (a space by default). If the
string is already longer
than length then it is
truncated (on the right). |
lpad('hi', 5, 'xy') |
xyxhi |
ltrim (string text,
trim text) |
text |
Removes the longest string containing only characters
from trim from the start
of the string. |
ltrim('zzzytrim','xyz') |
trim |
pg_client_encoding () |
name |
Returns current client encoding name. |
pg_client_encoding() |
repeat (text, integer) |
text |
Repeat text a number of times. |
repeat('Pg', 4) |
PgPgPgPg |
rpad (string text,
length integer [,
fill text]) |
text |
Fills up the string to
length length by appending
the characters fill (a
space by default). If the string is already longer than
length then it is
truncated. |
rpad('hi', 5, 'xy') |
hixyx |
rtrim (string text, trim text) |
text |
Removes the longest string containing only characters
from trim from the end of
the string. |
rtrim('trimxxxx','x') |
trim |
strpos (string , substring ) |
text |
Locates specified substring. (same as position(substring in string ), but note the reversed
argument order) |
strpos('high','ig') |
2 |
substr (string , from [,
count ]) |
text |
Extracts specified substring. (same as substring(string
from from for count )) |
substr('alphabet', 3,
2) |
ph |
to_ascii (text [, encoding ]) |
text |
Converts text from multibyte encoding to
to_ascii('Karel') |
Karel |
translate (string text,
from text, to
text) |
text |
Any character in string that matches a character in the
from set is replaced by
the corresponding character in the to set. |
translate('12345', '14',
'ax') |
a23x5 |
encode (data bytea,
type text) |
text |
Encodes binary data to ASCII-only representation. Supported
types are: 'base64', 'hex', 'escape'. |
'base64') |
decode (string text,
type text) |
bytea |
Decodes binary data from string previously encoded with
encode(). Parameter type is same as in encode(). |
'base64') |
123\000\001 |