Unsupported versions: 6.4
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Hardcopy Generation for v6.4

The hardcopy Postscript documentation is generated by converting the SGML source code to RTF, then importing into ApplixWare-4.4.1. After a little cleanup (see the following section) the output is "printed" to a postscript file.

Some figures were redrawn to avoid having bitmap GIF files in the hardcopy documentation. One figure, of the system catalogs, was sufficiently complex that there was not time to redraw it. It was converted to fit using the following commands:

% convert -monochrome -v -geometry 500x500'>' catalogs.ps catalogs.gif
% convert -v -crop 400x500 catalogs.gif catalogs-cropped.gif

RTF Cleanup Procedure

Several items must be addressed in generating Postscript hardcopy:

Applixware RTF Cleanup

Applixware does not seem to do a complete job of importing RTF generated by jade/MSS. In particular, all text is given the “Header1” style attribute label, although the text formatting itself is acceptable. Also, the Table of Contents page numbers do not refer to the section listed in the table, but rather refer to the page of the ToC itself.

  1. Generate the RTF input by typing

    % cd doc/src/sgml
    % make tutorial.rtf
  2. Open a new document in Applix Words and then import the RTF file.

  3. Print out the existing Table of Contents, to mark up in the following few steps.

  4. Insert figures into the document. Center each figure on the page using the centering margins button.

    Not all documents have figures. You can grep the SGML source files for the string “Graphic” to identify those parts of the documentation which may have figures. A few figures are replicated in various parts of the documentation.

  5. Work through the document, adjusting page breaks and table column widths.

  6. If a bibliography is present, Applix Words seems to mark all remaining text after the first title as having an underlined attribute. Select all remaining text, turn off underlining using the underlining button, then explicitly underline each document and book title.

  7. Work through the document, marking up the ToC hardcopy with the actual page number of each ToC entry.

  8. Replace the right-justified incorrect page numbers in the ToC with correct values. This only takes a few minutes per document.

  9. Save the document as native Applix Words format to allow easier last minute editing later.

  10. Export the document to a file in Postscript format.

  11. Compress the Postscript file using gzip. Place the compressed file into the doc directory.