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35.55. transforms #

The view transforms contains information about the transforms defined in the current database. More precisely, it contains a row for each function contained in a transform (the from SQL or to SQL function).

Table 35.53. transforms Columns

Column Type


udt_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database that contains the type the transform is for (always the current database)

udt_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema that contains the type the transform is for

udt_name sql_identifier

Name of the type the transform is for

specific_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database containing the function (always the current database)

specific_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema containing the function

specific_name sql_identifier

The specific name of the function. See Section 35.45 for more information.

group_name sql_identifier

The SQL standard allows defining transforms in groups, and selecting a group at run time. PostgreSQL does not support this. Instead, transforms are specific to a language. As a compromise, this field contains the language the transform is for.

transform_type character_data