September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!
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41.23. pg_operator

The catalog pg_operator stores information about operators. See CREATE OPERATOR and Section 31.12 for more information.

Table 41-23. pg_operator Columns

Name Type References Description
oprname name   Name of the operator
oprnamespace oid pg_namespace.oid The OID of the namespace that contains this operator
oprowner int4 pg_shadow.usesysid Owner of the operator
oprkind char   b = infix ("both"), l = prefix ("left"), r = postfix ("right")
oprcanhash bool   This operator supports hash joins
oprleft oid pg_type.oid Type of the left operand
oprright oid pg_type.oid Type of the right operand
oprresult oid pg_type.oid Type of the result
oprcom oid pg_operator.oid Commutator of this operator, if any
oprnegate oid pg_operator.oid Negator of this operator, if any
oprlsortop oid pg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts the type of the left-hand operand (L<L)
oprrsortop oid pg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the operator that sorts the type of the right-hand operand (R<R)
oprltcmpop oid pg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the less-than operator that compares the left and right operand types (L<R)
oprgtcmpop oid pg_operator.oid If this operator supports merge joins, the greater-than operator that compares the left and right operand types (L>R)
oprcode regproc pg_proc.oid Function that implements this operator
oprrest regproc pg_proc.oid Restriction selectivity estimation function for this operator
oprjoin regproc pg_proc.oid Join selectivity estimation function for this operator

Unused column contain zeroes, for example oprleft is zero for a prefix operator.