September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!
Supported Versions: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12
Unsupported versions: 11 / 10 / 9.6 / 9.5 / 9.4
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63.2. Built-in Operator Classes

The core PostgreSQL distribution includes the GIN operator classes shown in Table 63-1. (Some of the optional modules described in Appendix F provide additional GIN operator classes.)

Table 63-1. Built-in GIN Operator Classes

Name Indexed Data Type Indexable Operators
_abstime_ops abstime[] && <@ = @>
_bit_ops bit[] && <@ = @>
_bool_ops boolean[] && <@ = @>
_bpchar_ops character[] && <@ = @>
_bytea_ops bytea[] && <@ = @>
_char_ops "char"[] && <@ = @>
_cidr_ops cidr[] && <@ = @>
_date_ops date[] && <@ = @>
_float4_ops float4[] && <@ = @>
_float8_ops float8[] && <@ = @>
_inet_ops inet[] && <@ = @>
_int2_ops smallint[] && <@ = @>
_int4_ops integer[] && <@ = @>
_int8_ops bigint[] && <@ = @>
_interval_ops interval[] && <@ = @>
_macaddr_ops macaddr[] && <@ = @>
_money_ops money[] && <@ = @>
_name_ops name[] && <@ = @>
_numeric_ops numeric[] && <@ = @>
_oid_ops oid[] && <@ = @>
_oidvector_ops oidvector[] && <@ = @>
_reltime_ops reltime[] && <@ = @>
_text_ops text[] && <@ = @>
_time_ops time[] && <@ = @>
_timestamp_ops timestamp[] && <@ = @>
_timestamptz_ops timestamp with time zone[] && <@ = @>
_timetz_ops time with time zone[] && <@ = @>
_tinterval_ops tinterval[] && <@ = @>
_varbit_ops bit varying[] && <@ = @>
_varchar_ops character varying[] && <@ = @>
jsonb_ops jsonb ? ?& ?| @>
jsonb_path_ops jsonb @>
tsvector_ops tsvector @@ @@@

Of the two operator classes for type jsonb, jsonb_ops is the default. jsonb_path_ops supports fewer operators but offers better performance for those operators. See Section 8.14.4 for details.