
vaccum full don't deliver free space from  files not in database. Your files are in the same directory but postgres doesn't kows them.

You must restore database and rename it, if you need to keep same name.

you can delete files without link in pg_database but it's more dangerous if you make mistake.

I have doing that to time last month on database of 300 GB.

I think i have a bog between proxmox/postgres 9.6.11 and ubuntu 16.04 but i haven't found it

Yann Convers
Gestionnaire de l'infrastructure, des référentiels et des outils

DREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Service Connaissance, Information, Développement Durable, Autorité Environnementale - Pole Système d Information Géographique
Tél : 04 26 28 67 89
courriel : yann.convers@developpement-durable.gouv.fr
adresse de la boite d’unité : boite unité

Pour toute commande interne de prestations, merci d utilisez le formulaire suivant : http://postgis-aura.projets.appli.i2/projects/demandes-de-prestations/issues/new

Adresse postale : DREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, CIDDAE - SIG 69453 LYON CEDEX 06 Adresse physique : 5 place Jules Ferry (immeuble Lugdunum - métro Brotteaux) - 69006 Lyon Standard : 04 26 28 60 00 Liens :Site Intranet  Site Internet

Le 09/02/2019 à 05:08, > priyanka chatterjee (par Internet, dépôt pgsql-admin-owner+m63745-121812@lists.postgresql.org) a écrit :
Vacuum Full on the entire database after adding more free space, but the size of the database is still significantly larger than the sum of the objects in it.