
It is error cause changes in system catalog in 9.6. I fix it in my fork. If you test it, I will be graceful.

I will merge my changes of pgadmin3 with official release 1.22.2 later.

2:38, 13 ноября 2016 г., Bruce Peret <bperet@pobox.com>

An error has occurred:
ERROR: column "amgettuple" does not exist
LINE 1: ...am WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc WHERE oid=amgettuple...

If you continue and try to add a primary key column:

An error has occurred:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "AND"
LINE 1: SELECT opcname FROM pg_opclass WHERE opcmethod= AND NOT opcd...

The primary key cannot be added.

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Best regard, Dmitry Voronin