
My initial reaction is what are you trying to achieve?  Surely you could have one underlying table with dates in it and

SELECT * from mytable WHERE date1>='2007/04/01' AND date2<='2007/05/01';

but otherwise, like John, I would use an external scripting language to create the table name.


At 14:04 03/04/2007, Wilkinson, Jim wrote:

I have created a view, called april_may.   I need to select this view by combineing to fields in the database to create the view name etc …
Create view as select * from table_X;
I need to do something like this …
Select * from (select table.start_month||_||table.end_month);
Start_month  = april
End_month = May
What I what to pass to the select is the combination of the 2 fields as the view name.
Any ideas ?

Hilary Forbes
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