Index: datatype.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.175
diff -c -r1.175 datatype.sgml
*** datatype.sgml 16 Sep 2006 16:18:11 -0000 1.175
--- datatype.sgml 22 Sep 2006 10:56:16 -0000
*** 1706,1713 ****
! Refer to for a list of
! time zone names that are recognized for input.
--- 1706,1713 ----
! Refer to for more information on how
! to specify time zones.
*** 1780,1786 ****
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored
value is always in UTC (Universal
Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time,
! GMT>). An input value that has an explicit
time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset
for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string,
then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system's
--- 1780,1786 ----
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored
value is always in UTC (Universal
Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time,
! GMT>). An input value that has an explicit
time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset
for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string,
then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system's
*** 2152,2157 ****
--- 2152,2223 ----
+ PostgreSQL allows you to specify time zones in
+ three different forms:
+ A time zone name like America/New_York> for example. You can
+ find a list of available time zone names in the
+ pg_timezone_names view (see ).
+ A time zone abbreviation like PST> for example. With such a
+ specification you merely set a particular offset to GMT. You can query
+ the view pg_timezone_abbrevs> (see ) for a list of all available
+ timezone abbreviations. Note that you cannot set the GUC timezone
+ parameter to a timezone abbreviation currently but you can use this
+ form for date/time input values and for the AT TIME ZONE>
+ operator. These abbreviations are not hard-wired into the server, but
+ are obtained from configuration files stored under
+ .../share/timezone/> of the installation directory (see
+ ).
+ In addition to the timezone names and abbreviations,
+ PostgreSQL will accept time zone
+ specifications of the form STD>offset> or
+ STD>offset>DST>, where
+ STD> is a zone abbreviation, offset> is a
+ numeric offset in hours west from UTC, and DST> is an
+ optional daylight-savings zone abbreviation, assumed to stand for one
+ hour ahead of the given offset. For example, if EST5EDT>
+ were not already a recognized zone name, it would be accepted and would
+ be functionally equivalent to USA East Coast time. When a
+ daylight-savings zone name is present, it is assumed to be used
+ according to USA time zone rules, so this feature is of limited use
+ outside North America. One should also be wary that this provision can
+ lead to silently accepting bogus input, since there is no check on the
+ reasonableness of the zone abbreviations. For example, SET
+ TIMEZONE TO FOOBAR0> will work, leaving the system effectively using
+ a rather peculiar abbreviation for GMT.
+ There is a conceptual and practical difference between the abbreviations
+ and the full names: abbreviations always represent a fixed offset from
+ UTC, whereas most of the full names imply a local daylight-savings time
+ rule and so have two possible UTC offsets. That's why you always have to
+ specify a date if you want to use full time zone names in timetz>
+ values. This is also the reason why you should set your local time zone
+ to a full time zone name: this way, PostgreSQL
+ will always know the correct UTC offset for your region.
+ Note that timezone names are not> used for date/time output
+ — all supported output formats use numeric timezone displays to
+ avoid ambiguity.
The configuration parameter can
be set in the file postgresql.conf>, or in any of the
other standard ways described in .
*** 2191,2202 ****
- Refer to for a list of
- available time zones.
--- 2257,2262 ----
Index: datetime.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/datetime.sgml,v
retrieving revision 2.52
diff -c -r2.52 datetime.sgml
*** datetime.sgml 16 Sep 2006 00:30:12 -0000 2.52
--- datetime.sgml 22 Sep 2006 10:56:16 -0000
*** 359,2206 ****
time zone
input abbreviations
- shows the time zone
- abbreviations recognized by PostgreSQL
- in date/time input values. These abbreviations are not
- hard-wired into the server, but are obtained from a configuration
- file (see ). Note that these
- names are not> used for date/time output — all supported
- output formats use numeric timezone displays to avoid ambiguity.
- In addition to these abbreviations, the full timezone names shown in
- can be used
- in date/time input values. There is a conceptual and
- practical difference between the abbreviations and the full names:
- abbreviations always represent a fixed offset from UTC, whereas most
- of the full names imply a local daylight-savings time rule and so
- have two possible UTC offsets. That's why
- you always have to specify a date if you want to use full time zone
- names in timetz> values.
- The table is organized by time zone offset from UTC>,
- rather than alphabetically. This is intended to facilitate
- matching local usage with recognized abbreviations for cases where
- these might differ.
- time zone
- configuration names
- shows the time zone
- names recognized by PostgreSQL as valid
- settings for the parameter. These names
- are not hard-wired into the server, but are in fact names of configuration
- files stored under .../share/timezone/> of the installation
- directory.
- In many cases there are several equivalent names for the same zone.
- These are listed on the same line. The table is primarily sorted
- by the name of the principal city of the zone.
- Time Zone Names for setting timezone>
- Time Zone
- Africa/Abidjan
- Africa/Accra
- Africa/Addis_Ababa
- Africa/Algiers
- Africa/Asmera
- Africa/Bamako
- Africa/Bangui
- Africa/Banjul
- Africa/Bissau
- Africa/Blantyre
- Africa/Brazzaville
- Africa/Bujumbura
- Africa/Cairo Egypt
- Africa/Casablanca
- Africa/Ceuta
- Africa/Conakry
- Africa/Dakar
- Africa/Dar_es_Salaam
- Africa/Djibouti
- Africa/Douala
- Africa/El_Aaiun
- Africa/Freetown
- Africa/Gaborone
- Africa/Harare
- Africa/Johannesburg
- Africa/Kampala
- Africa/Khartoum
- Africa/Kigali
- Africa/Kinshasa
- Africa/Lagos
- Africa/Libreville
- Africa/Lome
- Africa/Luanda
- Africa/Lubumbashi
- Africa/Lusaka
- Africa/Malabo
- Africa/Maputo
- Africa/Maseru
- Africa/Mbabane
- Africa/Mogadishu
- Africa/Monrovia
- Africa/Nairobi
- Africa/Ndjamena
- Africa/Niamey
- Africa/Nouakchott
- Africa/Ouagadougou
- Africa/Porto-Novo
- Africa/Sao_Tome
- Africa/Timbuktu
- Africa/Tripoli Libya
- Africa/Tunis
- Africa/Windhoek
- America/Adak America/Atka US/Aleutian
- America/Anchorage SystemV/YST9YDT US/Alaska
- America/Anguilla
- America/Antigua
- America/Araguaina
- America/Aruba
- America/Asuncion
- America/Bahia
- America/Barbados
- America/Belem
- America/Belize
- America/Boa_Vista
- America/Bogota
- America/Boise
- America/Buenos_Aires
- America/Cambridge_Bay
- America/Campo_Grande
- America/Cancun
- America/Caracas
- America/Catamarca
- America/Cayenne
- America/Cayman
- America/Chicago CST6CDT SystemV/CST6CDT US/Central
- America/Chihuahua
- America/Cordoba America/Rosario
- America/Costa_Rica
- America/Cuiaba
- America/Curacao
- America/Danmarkshavn
- America/Dawson
- America/Dawson_Creek
- America/Denver MST7MDT SystemV/MST7MDT US/Mountain America/Shiprock Navajo
- America/Detroit US/Michigan
- America/Dominica
- America/Edmonton Canada/Mountain
- America/Eirunepe
- America/El_Salvador
- America/Ensenada America/Tijuana Mexico/BajaNorte
- America/Fortaleza
- America/Glace_Bay
- America/Godthab
- America/Goose_Bay
- America/Grand_Turk
- America/Grenada
- America/Guadeloupe
- America/Guatemala
- America/Guayaquil
- America/Guyana
- America/Halifax Canada/Atlantic SystemV/AST4ADT
- America/Havana Cuba
- America/Hermosillo
- America/Indiana/Indianapolis America/Indianapolis America/Fort_Wayne EST SystemV/EST5 US/East-Indiana
- America/Indiana/Knox America/Knox_IN US/Indiana-Starke
- America/Indiana/Marengo
- America/Indiana/Vevay
- America/Inuvik
- America/Iqaluit
- America/Jamaica Jamaica
- America/Jujuy
- America/Juneau
- America/Kentucky/Louisville America/Louisville
- America/Kentucky/Monticello
- America/La_Paz
- America/Lima
- America/Los_Angeles PST8PDT SystemV/PST8PDT US/Pacific US/Pacific-New
- America/Maceio
- America/Managua
- America/Manaus Brazil/West
- America/Martinique
- America/Mazatlan Mexico/BajaSur
- America/Mendoza
- America/Menominee
- America/Merida
- America/Mexico_City Mexico/General
- America/Miquelon
- America/Monterrey
- America/Montevideo
- America/Montreal
- America/Montserrat
- America/Nassau
- America/New_York EST5EDT SystemV/EST5EDT US/Eastern
- America/Nipigon
- America/Nome
- America/Noronha Brazil/DeNoronha
- America/North_Dakota/Center
- America/Panama
- America/Pangnirtung
- America/Paramaribo
- America/Phoenix MST SystemV/MST7 US/Arizona
- America/Port-au-Prince
- America/Port_of_Spain
- America/Porto_Acre America/Rio_Branco Brazil/Acre
- America/Porto_Velho
- America/Puerto_Rico SystemV/AST4
- America/Rainy_River
- America/Rankin_Inlet
- America/Recife
- America/Regina Canada/East-Saskatchewan Canada/Saskatchewan SystemV/CST6
- America/Santiago Chile/Continental
- America/Santo_Domingo
- America/Sao_Paulo Brazil/East
- America/Scoresbysund
- America/St_Johns Canada/Newfoundland
- America/St_Kitts
- America/St_Lucia
- America/St_Thomas America/Virgin
- America/St_Vincent
- America/Swift_Current
- America/Tegucigalpa
- America/Thule
- America/Thunder_Bay
- America/Toronto Canada/Eastern
- America/Tortola
- America/Vancouver Canada/Pacific
- America/Whitehorse Canada/Yukon
- America/Winnipeg Canada/Central
- America/Yakutat
- America/Yellowknife
- Antarctica/Casey
- Antarctica/Davis
- Antarctica/DumontDUrville
- Antarctica/Mawson
- Antarctica/McMurdo Antarctica/South_Pole
- Antarctica/Palmer
- Antarctica/Rothera
- Antarctica/Syowa
- Antarctica/Vostok
- Asia/Aden
- Asia/Almaty
- Asia/Amman
- Asia/Anadyr
- Asia/Aqtau
- Asia/Aqtobe
- Asia/Ashgabat Asia/Ashkhabad
- Asia/Baghdad
- Asia/Bahrain
- Asia/Baku
- Asia/Bangkok
- Asia/Beirut
- Asia/Bishkek
- Asia/Brunei
- Asia/Calcutta
- Asia/Choibalsan
- Asia/Chongqing Asia/Chungking
- Asia/Colombo
- Asia/Dacca Asia/Dhaka
- Asia/Damascus
- Asia/Dili
- Asia/Dubai
- Asia/Dushanbe
- Asia/Gaza
- Asia/Harbin
- Asia/Hong_Kong Hongkong
- Asia/Hovd
- Asia/Irkutsk
- Asia/Jakarta
- Asia/Jayapura
- Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Tel_Aviv Israel
- Asia/Kabul
- Asia/Kamchatka
- Asia/Karachi
- Asia/Kashgar
- Asia/Katmandu
- Asia/Krasnoyarsk
- Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
- Asia/Kuching
- Asia/Kuwait
- Asia/Macao Asia/Macau
- Asia/Magadan
- Asia/Makassar Asia/Ujung_Pandang
- Asia/Manila
- Asia/Muscat
- Asia/Nicosia Europe/Nicosia
- Asia/Novosibirsk
- Asia/Omsk
- Asia/Oral
- Asia/Phnom_Penh
- Asia/Pontianak
- Asia/Pyongyang
- Asia/Qatar
- Asia/Qyzylorda
- Asia/Rangoon
- Asia/Riyadh
- Asia/Riyadh87 Mideast/Riyadh87
- Asia/Riyadh88 Mideast/Riyadh88
- Asia/Riyadh89 Mideast/Riyadh89
- Asia/Saigon
- Asia/Sakhalin
- Asia/Samarkand
- Asia/Seoul ROK
- Asia/Shanghai PRC
- Asia/Singapore Singapore
- Asia/Taipei ROC
- Asia/Tashkent
- Asia/Tbilisi
- Asia/Tehran Iran
- Asia/Thimbu Asia/Thimphu
- Asia/Tokyo Japan
- Asia/Ulaanbaatar Asia/Ulan_Bator
- Asia/Urumqi
- Asia/Vientiane
- Asia/Vladivostok
- Asia/Yakutsk
- Asia/Yekaterinburg
- Asia/Yerevan
- Atlantic/Azores
- Atlantic/Bermuda
- Atlantic/Canary
- Atlantic/Cape_Verde
- Atlantic/Faeroe
- Atlantic/Madeira
- Atlantic/Reykjavik Iceland
- Atlantic/South_Georgia
- Atlantic/St_Helena
- Atlantic/Stanley
- Australia/ACT Australia/Canberra Australia/NSW Australia/Sydney
- Australia/Adelaide Australia/South
- Australia/Brisbane Australia/Queensland
- Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Yancowinna
- Australia/Darwin Australia/North
- Australia/Hobart Australia/Tasmania
- Australia/LHI Australia/Lord_Howe
- Australia/Lindeman
- Australia/Melbourne Australia/Victoria
- Australia/Perth Australia/West
- Etc/GMT+1
- Etc/GMT+2
- Etc/GMT+3
- Etc/GMT+4
- Etc/GMT+5
- Etc/GMT+6
- Etc/GMT+7
- Etc/GMT+8
- Etc/GMT+9
- Etc/GMT+10
- Etc/GMT+11
- Etc/GMT+12
- Etc/GMT-1
- Etc/GMT-2
- Etc/GMT-3
- Etc/GMT-4
- Etc/GMT-5
- Etc/GMT-6
- Etc/GMT-7
- Etc/GMT-8
- Etc/GMT-9
- Etc/GMT-10
- Etc/GMT-11
- Etc/GMT-12
- Etc/GMT-13
- Etc/GMT-14
- Europe/Amsterdam
- Europe/Andorra
- Europe/Athens
- Europe/Belfast
- Europe/Belgrade Europe/Ljubljana Europe/Sarajevo Europe/Skopje Europe/Zagreb
- Europe/Berlin
- Europe/Brussels
- Europe/Bucharest
- Europe/Budapest
- Europe/Chisinau Europe/Tiraspol
- Europe/Copenhagen
- Europe/Dublin Eire
- Europe/Gibraltar
- Europe/Helsinki
- Europe/Istanbul Asia/Istanbul Turkey
- Europe/Kaliningrad
- Europe/Kiev
- Europe/Lisbon Portugal
- Europe/London GB GB-Eire
- Europe/Luxembourg
- Europe/Madrid
- Europe/Malta
- Europe/Minsk
- Europe/Monaco
- Europe/Moscow W-SU
- Europe/Oslo Arctic/Longyearbyen Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
- Europe/Paris
- Europe/Prague Europe/Bratislava
- Europe/Riga
- Europe/Rome Europe/San_Marino Europe/Vatican
- Europe/Samara
- Europe/Simferopol
- Europe/Sofia
- Europe/Stockholm
- Europe/Tallinn
- Europe/Tirane
- Europe/Uzhgorod
- Europe/Vaduz
- Europe/Vienna
- Europe/Vilnius
- Europe/Warsaw Poland
- Europe/Zaporozhye
- Europe/Zurich
- Factory
- GMT GMT+0 GMT-0 GMT0 Greenwich Etc/GMT Etc/GMT+0 Etc/GMT-0 Etc/GMT0 Etc/Greenwich
- Indian/Antananarivo
- Indian/Chagos
- Indian/Christmas
- Indian/Cocos
- Indian/Comoro
- Indian/Kerguelen
- Indian/Mahe
- Indian/Maldives
- Indian/Mauritius
- Indian/Mayotte
- Indian/Reunion
- Pacific/Apia
- Pacific/Auckland NZ
- Pacific/Chatham NZ-CHAT
- Pacific/Easter Chile/EasterIsland
- Pacific/Efate
- Pacific/Enderbury
- Pacific/Fakaofo
- Pacific/Fiji
- Pacific/Funafuti
- Pacific/Galapagos
- Pacific/Gambier SystemV/YST9
- Pacific/Guadalcanal
- Pacific/Guam
- Pacific/Honolulu HST SystemV/HST10 US/Hawaii
- Pacific/Johnston
- Pacific/Kiritimati
- Pacific/Kosrae
- Pacific/Kwajalein Kwajalein
- Pacific/Majuro
- Pacific/Marquesas
- Pacific/Midway
- Pacific/Nauru
- Pacific/Niue
- Pacific/Norfolk
- Pacific/Noumea
- Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Samoa US/Samoa
- Pacific/Palau
- Pacific/Pitcairn SystemV/PST8
- Pacific/Ponape
- Pacific/Port_Moresby
- Pacific/Rarotonga
- Pacific/Saipan
- Pacific/Tahiti
- Pacific/Tarawa
- Pacific/Tongatapu
- Pacific/Truk
- Pacific/Wake
- Pacific/Wallis
- Pacific/Yap
- UTC Universal Zulu Etc/UTC Etc/Universal Etc/Zulu
- In addition to the names listed in the table,
- PostgreSQL will accept
- values of the
- form STD>offset> or
- STD>offset>DST>, where
- STD> is a zone abbreviation, offset> is a
- numeric offset in hours west from UTC, and DST> is an
- optional daylight-savings zone abbreviation, assumed to stand for one hour
- ahead of the given offset. For example, if EST5EDT> were not
- already a recognized zone name, it would be accepted and would be
- functionally equivalent to USA East Coast time. When a daylight-savings
- zone name is present, it is assumed to be used according to USA time zone
- rules, so this feature is of limited use outside North America.
- One should also be wary that this provision can lead to
- silently accepting bogus input, since there is no check on the
- reasonableness of the zone abbreviations. For example,
- SET TIMEZONE TO FOOBAR0> will work, leaving the system
- effectively using a rather peculiar abbreviation for GMT.
--- 359,364 ----
*** 2249,2255 ****
negative being west. For example, -18000 would be five hours west
of Greenwich, or North American east coast standard time. D>
indicates that the zone name represents local daylight-savings time
! rather than standard time.
--- 407,414 ----
negative being west. For example, -18000 would be five hours west
of Greenwich, or North American east coast standard time. D>
indicates that the zone name represents local daylight-savings time
! rather than standard time. Since all known time zone offsets are on
! 15 minute boundaries, the number of seconds has to be a multiple of 900.
*** 2284,2289 ****
--- 443,456 ----
the dot embedded in their names.
+ If an error occurs while reading the time zone data sets, no new value is
+ applied but the old set is kept. If the error occurs while starting the
+ database, startup fails.
Time zone abbreviations defined in the configuration file override
Index: func.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/func.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.339
diff -c -r1.339 func.sgml
*** func.sgml 20 Sep 2006 23:43:21 -0000 1.339
--- func.sgml 22 Sep 2006 10:56:17 -0000
*** 6095,6103 ****
In these expressions, the desired time zone zone> can be
specified either as a text string (e.g., 'PST')
or as an interval (e.g., INTERVAL '-08:00').
! In the text case, the available zone names are those shown in either
! or
! .
--- 6095,6113 ----
In these expressions, the desired time zone zone> can be
specified either as a text string (e.g., 'PST')
or as an interval (e.g., INTERVAL '-08:00').
! In the text case, you can list the available time zone names by querying
! the views pg_timezone_names and
! pg_timezone_abbrevs (see and respectively). You may also specify a
! time zone as STD>offset> or
! STD>offset>DST>, where
! STD> is a zone abbreviation, offset> is a
! numeric offset in hours west from UTC, and DST> is an
! optional daylight-savings zone abbreviation, assumed to stand for one hour
! ahead of the given offset. However, see the warning on
! PostgreSQL accepting bogus time zone input in
! .