No, the last week i didn't installed any software. The only possible installation may be a instalation of some windows update. I will look for it, and if there is some thing about any antivirus/firewall update.

    Best regards.

Adrian Klaver escribió:
On Wednesday 25 March 2009 5:58:33 am Tk421 wrote:
    I've configured postgreSQL server to listen only in one IP address
and the error stills.

    Anyone has more ideas to solve it?

In the past week have you installed any other software or changed the behavior 
of software? In particular I am thinking of Anti-Virus software.

The reason I ask is that as far as I can tell the error comes from the section 
of postmaster.c that has the following comment:

 * Duplicate a socket for usage in a child process, and write the resulting
 * structure to the parameter file.
 * This is required because a number of LSPs (Layered Service Providers) very
 * common on Windows (antivirus, firewalls, download managers etc) break
 * straight socket inheritance.

This would seem to point another process interfering with the Postgres.

    Best regards

Benedikt Schackenberg escribió:
you have a power saving mode enabled? of inactivity when your pc shuts
down etc?

    King Regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
[] Im Auftrag von Tk421
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. März 2009 11:32
Betreff: [GENERAL] Problem with Windows XP Pro SP3 asn PostgreSQL 8.3.5

    Hello everybody. In the last week i'm having a trouble with my
PostgreSQL working on Windows XP Professional.

    When i boot, Postgresql works correctcly, but after about an hour it
stops working, an i get timeouts when i try to connect to it.

    In the postgresql log, i get this message: 2009-03-25 10:52:57 CET
FATAL:  could not duplicate socket 1276 for use in backend: error code

    After this, if i go to Event Viewer, i get this warning: PostgreSQL
Database Server 8.3 Service stopped.

    In task manager, i get two postgres.exe process running, the first
one of 104 Kb, and the second about 5000 kb.

    If i try to start postgresql service again, I got these messages:
             Waiting for server startup...
             LOG loaded library "$libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll"
             LOG could not bind IPv4 socket: No error
             HINT is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If
not, wait a few seconds and retry.
             WARNING:  could not create listen socket for "*"
             FATAL:  could not create any TCP/IP sockets

    The service appears as starting, but it does not start.
    If i kill the two postgresql porcessess the one of 5000kb stops
correctly, but i get access denied for killing the one of 104 Kb.

    If i try to start postgresql service again,  i can't, because it
stills starting, and i can't do anithing to it.

    The only way is reboot the machine, but after about an hour, the
same history.

    Before i detected this trouble last week, i had never got any problem

    any idea?

    King Regards