Here is shql 1.3. I am posting the complete source rather than a diff file because of the many patches released since the full posting of shql 1.0 in October of 1991. This new version is primarily a portability release. It also fixes a bug in the number of rows reported with the -q option. Some people using Unixes that lack the USL version of the bourne shell and other utilities have reported problems when running shql. With bash 1.14.4 (not earlier versions) and other PD utilities like sed 1.18 (not 2.*), gawk 2.15PL5, almost any Unix should be able to run shql. SHQL is an interactive SQL database engine. Written as a Unix shell script, SHQL interprets SQL commands and manipulates flat files based on those commands. SHQL is limited in its understanding of SQL constructs. All this is outlined in the README file contained in the distribution. A demo file is also included to show some examples. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive (produced by GNU sharutils 4.1). # To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove # everything before the `!/bin/sh' line above, then type `sh FILE'. # # Made on 1995-07-09 17:46 EDT by . # Source directory was `/var/local/shql/dist/tmp'. # # Existing files will *not* be overwritten unless `-c' is specified. # # This shar contains: # length mode name # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------ # 1041 -rw-r--r-- CHANGES # 4520 -rw-r--r-- README # 2156 -rw-r--r-- demo.shql # 20727 -rwxr-xr-x shql # touch -am 1231235999 $$.touch >/dev/null 2>&1 if test ! -f 1231235999 && test -f $$.touch; then shar_touch=touch else shar_touch=: echo echo 'WARNING: not restoring timestamps. Consider getting and' echo "installing GNU \`touch', distributed in GNU File Utilities..." echo fi rm -f 1231235999 $$.touch # # ============= CHANGES ============== if test -f 'CHANGES' && test X"$1" != X"-c"; then echo 'x - skipping CHANGES (file already exists)' else echo 'x - extracting CHANGES (text)' sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'CHANGES' && New to versoin 1.3 ----------------------------------- changed sed handling of sql statements for portability fixed count bug with -q(quiet) option X New to version 1.2 ----------------------------------- changed sed script to allow spaces at the end of /g lines added backslash to sed script for portability X New to version 1.2 ----------------------------------- fixed bug where -q option causes first row to always print fixed subselect bug on first row fixed bug with subselect's with where clauses fixed bug in multi-table joins X X New to version 1.1 ----------------------------------- Now runs under ksh as well as sh. Multi-table joins possible without creating views Aggregates now supported Looks in your $HOME/shql/ for database name also Execution operators are now '\' and '/',with '/' now possible the end X of a line White-space is not required as it was before New -q option removes table headers, so only taking output that begins X with '|' gets you all the data Delete syntax now requires a FROM, as it should have all along SHAR_EOF $shar_touch -am 0709174395 'CHANGES' && chmod 0644 'CHANGES' || echo 'restore of CHANGES failed' shar_count="`wc -c < 'CHANGES'`" test 1041 -eq "$shar_count" || echo "CHANGES: original size 1041, current size $shar_count" fi # ============= README ============== if test -f 'README' && test X"$1" != X"-c"; then echo 'x - skipping README (file already exists)' else echo 'x - extracting README (text)' sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'README' && X S H Q L version 1.2 X X Shql is a program that reads SQL commands interactively and X executes those commands by creating and manipulating Unix files. X X This program requires a bourne shell that understands functions, X as well as awk, grep, cut, sort, uniq, join, wc, and sed. X X This script can be invoked with the command X X shql [-q] {database name} X X A directory must be created for the database before you may use it. X This directory will house all data files for a single database. X All datafiles are created with mode 666 ('rw-rw-rw-'), so create the X directory with 777 ('rwxrwxrwx') if you want the database to be X sharable, and 700 ('rwx------') to be private. Of course, multiple X databases are possible. A database called 'mydb' may be created X as a directory $HOME/mydb, $HOME/shql/mydb, ./mydb, or as X $SHQL_ROOT/mydb, where $SHQL_ROOT is defined below. The -q X option turns off the display of headings so the output of shql X can be used by other programs by caputuring all lines that begin X the pipe symbol. X X The program is patterned after Ingres's interactive sql terminal X monitor program. Terminal monitor commands begin with either a X forward or backward-slash. Forward slashes may appear at the end of X a commend line. Back-slashes are accepted for compatability. The /g X is the 'go' command, /p is print, and /q is quit. Try 'help commands' X for a full list. Because of this, if you need a slash as the X second to last caracter on a line, you should add a space X between the slash and the last character. X X To get started, invoke shql with a database name. Use the directory X name you created above. Type X X shql mydb X X if the directory you created was 'mydb'. Once shql starts up, you X should see the database name displayed, and then a '*'. At this X point, the most valuable thing is to type help, X X * help X * /g X X You may then go on. The command 'help syntax' displays syntax X for all SQL operations, and 'help commands' displays all shql X workspace commands. Try the demo. X X Shql can execute only one operation at a time, but operations can X be spread over several lines. X X Shql operations are allow 'select' operations on multiple tables. X Table names are read from left to write in select's 'from' X section, so the tables should be ordered with the most central X tables first. In two-table joins, it doesn't matter. In three X table joins, if you join table A-to-B and B-to-C, B must not be X the last table in the from clause, because shql will not be able X to join tables A-C. If you get the message 'Join not found, try X reordering tables', this is probably the problem. Also X qualified field names are not understood, like tablename.fieldname, X so if you are joining my_id in table A with my_id in table B, just X say 'my_id = my_id'. Views can also be used to create X multi-table selects. X X Subselects are implemented, but must be the last operand of a X 'where' clause, most useful with 'in'. X X In most cases, commas are optional. NULLs are not implemented. X Aggregates like AVG() are implemented, but not with GROUP BY. X X When INSERTing strings that contain the characters !,*,=,>,<,(, or ), X spaces or backslashes may be added during the insert. This is a X side-effect of the string manipulation needed to properly X parse the command parameters. X X This SQL is type-less, so specify just the column width when creating X tables. This is used only for display purposes. Shql is X case-sensitive, and expects SQL key words to be in lower case. X X Commands can be piped into shql. The table data files are X tab delimited, so awk scripts can be used to generate reports X directly from the tables. To operate on non-shql data files, X create a dummy table with the proper fields, then copy your file X into your shql data directory, replacing your delimiters with X tabs, then run shql on the table, and convert the table back to X its original format. Grave accents (`) may be used to execute X unix command from with shql. Environment variables may also be X used. See the demo for an example, i.e. "cat demo.shql | shql mydb". X X If you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports contact: X X Bruce Momjian, X -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.1 X mQBtAy6pceUAAAEDAM9YKKJiqG7AzjLIyvqmDHvjVnmCG0QlhNZm3EdpcbIZBEUJ 41zWuGhvusiC99MeXy43kxSF4pJLFWhLDYRk1unVvz5y3B+xyERhig3h/AWWRaxH J4HzFdeKgclqllqhVQAFEbQlQnJ1Y2UgTW9tamlhbiA8cm9vdEBjYW5kbGUucGhh LnBhLnVzPg== =S8mw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- SHAR_EOF $shar_touch -am 0709174395 'README' && chmod 0644 'README' || echo 'restore of README failed' shar_count="`wc -c < 'README'`" test 4520 -eq "$shar_count" || echo "README: original size 4520, current size $shar_count" fi # ============= demo.shql ============== if test -f 'demo.shql' && test X"$1" != X"-c"; then echo 'x - skipping demo.shql (file already exists)' else echo 'x - extracting demo.shql (text)' sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'demo.shql' && # Demo for SHQL # Create table customer create table customer ( X name 30, X age 3, X status 1) /p/g X # Put one person in the table insert into customer values ( 'Fred', 32, 'G' )/p/g X # Study the table help customer /p/g select * from customer/p/g X # Add two more people insert into customer values ( 'Barney', 29, 'G', 'Wilma', 28, 'D' ) /p/g print customer /p/g X # Get customers with 'G' status select * from customer where status = 'G' /p/g X # Get sorted list of customers by age select * from customer order by age num /p/g X # Make a table to hold customer status codes and their descriptions create table codes ( X code 1, X description 10 ) /p/g X # Insert status codes insert into codes values ( 'G', 'Good', 'B', 'Bad', 'D', 'Dead Beat' ) /p/g X # Create a view so we can see the customer name and status description create view custstat ( customer.status = codes.code ) /p/g X # Look at the table help custstat /p/g select * from custstat /p/g X select * from customer, codes where status = code /p/g X # Replace 'Barney' with 'Bad Bart' update customer set name = 'Bad Bart', status = 'X' where age = 29 /p/g X print customer /p/g X # Get all customers that have invalid status'es select * from customer where status not in select code X from codes /p/g X # Remove 'Fred' delete from customer where age = 32 /p/g X # Get rid of view drop view custstat /p/g X # Create a holding table for old customers create table oldcust ( X name 30, X status 1 ) /p/g X # Copy old customer to new table insert into oldcust ( X name status ) select name status from customer where age > 28 /p/g X select avg(age) from customer /p/g X select name from customer where age = select min(age) X from customer /p/g X # Look at table print oldcust /p/g X # Delete customers moved over delete from customer where age > 28 /p/g X print customer /p/g X # Try a union of the two tables select name age from customer union select name status from oldcust /p/g X # Show example of executing Unix commands insert into customer values ( '`date`', `ls / | wc -l`, 'Y' ) /p/g print customer /p/g # Clean up drop table codes /p/g drop table customer /p/g drop table oldcust /p/g /q SHAR_EOF $shar_touch -am 0709174495 'demo.shql' && chmod 0644 'demo.shql' || echo 'restore of demo.shql failed' shar_count="`wc -c < 'demo.shql'`" test 2156 -eq "$shar_count" || echo "demo.shql: original size 2156, current size $shar_count" fi # ============= shql ============== if test -f 'shql' && test X"$1" != X"-c"; then echo 'x - skipping shql (file already exists)' else echo 'x - extracting shql (text)' sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'shql' && #!/bin/sh # use /bin/sh, /bin/ksh, or /bin/bash # # shql - version 1.3 # # by Bruce Momjian, # X # $Id: shql,v 1.23 1995/06/11 02:23:58 root Exp root $ X # DEFINE THESE SHQL_ROOT="/u/shql" # system-wide database location EDITOR="${EDITOR:=/usr/bin/vi}" # default editor if EDITOR not defined SHELL="${SHELL:=/bin/sh}" # default editor if SHELL not defined X # Unix table file postfixes: @ is attrib, ~ is data, % is view X DEBUG="N" # set to Y for debugging X [ "$DEBUG" = "Y" ] && set -x # uncomment for debugging #set -v UMASK=`umask` umask 0000 # share database trap "echo \"Goodbye\" ; \ X rm -f /tmp/$$ /tmp/$$row /tmp/$$join*" 0 1 2 3 15 set -h # remember functions X if echo '\c' | grep -s c ; then # to adapt to System V vs. BSD 'echo' X NOCR1='-n' # BSD X NOCR2="" else X NOCR1="" # System V X NOCR2='\c' fi NL=' ' TAB=' ' X if [ "X$1" = "X-q" ] then QUIET="Y" X shift fi X _IFS="$IFS" X export _IFS TABLE CMD NOCR1 NOCR2 NL TAB QUIET DEBUG X if [ "X$1" = "X" ] then echo "Missing database name." 1>&2 X echo "The database name must be a directory under $HOME/shql" 1>&2 X echo " or a directory under $SHQL_ROOT" 1>&2 X exit 1 fi echo "Database: $1" X if [ -d $HOME/shql/$1 ] then cd $HOME/shql/$1 elif [ -d $SHQL_ROOT/$1 ] then cd $SHQL_ROOT/$1 elif [ -d $HOME/$1 ] then cd $HOME/$1 elif [ -d $1 ] then cd $1 else echo "Unknown database ($1)" 1>&2 X echo "The database name must be a directory under $HOME/shql" 1>&2 X echo " or a directory under $SHQL_ROOT" 1>&2 X exit 1 fi X X # #************************************************************************** # syntax #************************************************************************** syntax(){ X case "$1" in X create) cat <<"END" CREATE TABLE table_name ( X column_name column_width X {, ...} ) or CREATE VIEW view_name ( X table_or_view1.column1 = table_or_view2.column2 ) END return 0 ;; X delete) cat <<"END" DELETE FROM table_name { WHERE where_clause } END return 0 ;; X drop) cat <<"END" DROP TABLE table_name or DROP VIEW view_name END return 0 ;; X edit) cat <<"END" EDIT table_name is a non-standard method of changing a table's field names or display widths. END return 0 ;; X help) cat <<"END" HELP ALL or HELP TABLES or HELP VIEWS or HELP COMMANDS or HELP [CREATE | DELETE | DROP | INSERT | SELECT | UPDATE | WHERE | PRINT | EDIT] or HELP table_name Commands must appear in lower case. END return 0 ;; X insert) cat <<"END" INSERT INTO table_name X { ( column_name, ... ) } VALUES ( expression, ...) or INSERT INTO table_name X { ( column_name, ... ) } subselect END return 0 ;; X print) cat <<"END" PRINT table_name is a non-standard synonym for SELECT * FROM table_name. END return 0 ;; X select) cat <<"END" SELECT { DISTINCT } X [ column_name {,...} | * ] FROM [ table_name | view_name ] { WHERE where_clause } { ORDER BY column_name { NUM } { ASC | DESC } {, ... } { UNION select statement } 'NUM' is a non-standard method for sorting numeric fields. END return 0 ;; X update) cat <<"END" UPDATE table_name SET column_name = expression {, ... } { WHERE where_clause } END return 0 ;; X where) cat <<"END" WHERE [ column_name | value ] [ =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, and, or, not, in ] X [ column_name | value | subselect ] Parentheses may be used to group expressions. END return 0 ;; X syntax) syntax commands; echo X syntax create; echo X syntax delete; echo X syntax drop; echo X syntax insert; echo X syntax select; echo X syntax update; echo X syntax where; echo X syntax print; echo X syntax edit; echo X return 0 X ;; X esac X return 1 } X # #************************************************************************** # lookup_field #************************************************************************** lookup_field(){ X RESULT="`grep -n \"^$1 \" $TABLE@ | sed 1q`" X if [ ! "$RESULT" ] X then OUTFIELD="$1" X return 1 X else OUTFIELDNUM="`expr "$RESULT" : '\([^:]*\)'`" X OUTFIELD="\$$OUTFIELDNUM" X return 0 X fi } X # #************************************************************************** # do_aggreg #************************************************************************** do_aggreg(){ X if [ "X$1" = 'Xsum' ] X then AGGREG='total' X elif [ "X$1" = 'Xavg' ] X then AGGREG='(total/cnt)' X elif [ "X$1" = 'Xcount' ] X then AGGREG='cnt' X elif [ "X$1" = 'Xmin' ] X then AGGREG='min' X elif [ "X$1" = 'Xmax' ] X then AGGREG='max' X else return 1 X fi X [ "X$2" != "X(" -o "X$4" != "X)" ] && \ X echo "Bad aggregate syntax" 1>&2 && syntax select && return 1 X AGGFIELD="$3" X shift 4 X lookup_field "$AGGFIELD" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad field name ($1)" 1>&2 && return 1 X while [ $# -ne 0 ] X do X [ "X$1" = "Xwhere" ] && break; X [ "X$1" = "Xorder" ] && break; X [ "X$1" = "Xunion" ] && break; X shift X done X X OUTFIELD=`( SUBSELECT="Y" ; AGGREGATE="Y"; \ X select_ "select" "$AGGFIELD" "from" "$TABLE" "$@") | \ X awk -F" " \ X 'NR == 1 { min = $1; max = $1 } X { cnt += 1; total += $1 } X $1 < min { min = $1 } X $1 > max { max = $1 } X END { printf "%s%s%s", "\"", '$AGGREG', "\"" }'` X if [ `expr "$RESULT" : '[^ ]* \(.*\)'` -lt 10 ] X then RESULT="$AGGFIELD 10" X fi X return 0 } X # #************************************************************************** # do_join #************************************************************************** do_join(){ X update_view "$1" X TABLE="$1" X lookup_field "$2" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad view specifcation ($1.$2)" 1>&2 && return 1 X JFIELD1="$OUTFIELDNUM" X JFIELD1L1="`expr $JFIELD1 - 1`" X update_view "$3" X TABLE="$3" X lookup_field "$4" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad view specifcation ($3.$4)" 1>&2 && return 1 X JFIELD2="$OUTFIELDNUM" X JFIELD2L1="`expr $JFIELD2 - 1`" X X ( grep "^$2 " $1@ ; X grep -v "^$2 " $1@ ; X grep -v "^$4 " $3@ ) > $5@ X sort -t\ +$JFIELD2L1 $3~ > /tmp/$$ X sort -t\ +$JFIELD1L1 $1~ | \ X join -t\ -j1 $JFIELD1 -j2 $JFIELD2 \ X - /tmp/$$ > $5~ } X # #************************************************************************** # update_view #************************************************************************** update_view(){ X [ ! -f "$1%" ] && return 1 X ( do_join `cat $1%` ) } X # #************************************************************************** # where #************************************************************************** where(){ X shift X while [ $# -gt 0 -a "$1" != "order" -a "$1" != "union" ] X do X if [ "X$1" = "Xselect" ] X then X set X `( SUBSELECT="Y" ;select_ "$@")` X if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] X then shift X else return 1 X fi X fi X case "$1" in X and) WHERE="$WHERE && ";; X or) WHERE="$WHERE || ";; X not) WHERE="$WHERE !" ;; X =) WHERE="$WHERE == ";; X 'in') shift X set X `( SUBSELECT='Y';select_ "$@" )` X if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] X then shift X else return 1 X fi X INWHERE="" X COMP="==" X LOGIC="||" X [ "X$LAST" = "Xnot" ] && COMP="=" && LOGIC="&&" X [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && set "\"__()__\"" X for VALUE X do X [ "X$INWHERE" != "X" ] && X INWHERE="$INWHERE $LOGIC" X INWHERE="$INWHERE ($WHERE$COMP $VALUE) " X done X WHERE="$INWHERE" X break;; X *) lookup_field "$1" X WHERE="$WHERE $OUTFIELD";; X esac X LAST="$1" X shift X done X [ "$WHERE" ] && WHERE=" ( $WHERE ) " && return 0 X echo "Missing 'where' clause" 1>&2 X syntax where X return 1 } X # #************************************************************************** # help #************************************************************************** help(){ X if [ ! "$2" ] X then echo "Ambiguous syntax, try:" 1>&2 ; syntax help X elif [ "$2" = "all" ] X then ls *@ *% 2>/dev/null | cut -d@ -f1 | cut -d% -f1 | uniq X elif [ "$2" = "tables" ] X then ls *@ *% 2>/dev/null | cut -d@ -f1 | cut -d% -f1 | uniq -u X elif [ "$2" = "views" ] X then ls *% 2>/dev/null | cut -d% -f1 X elif [ "$2" = "commands" ] X then cat << "END" /p is print /g is go(execute) /q is quit /e is edit /i is include /w is write /r is reset(clear) /s is shell /p/g print and go The number sign(#) may be used at the start of a line for comments. END X else syntax $2 && return X TABLE="$2" X update_view "$TABLE" X if [ -f "$2@" ] X then echo "$NL <$2>" && cat "$2@" X [ -f "${2}%" ] &&echo $NOCR1 "$NL View: $NOCR2" && X set X `cat $2%` && shift && X echo "$1.$2 = $3.$4" X echo "$NL Rows: "`cat $TABLE~ | wc -l` X else echo "$TABLE does not exist." 1>&2 X syntax help X fi X fi } X # #************************************************************************** # create #************************************************************************** create(){ X shift X if [ -f "$2@" -o -f "$2%" ] X then echo "Table already exists." 1>&2 X elif [ "X$1" = "Xview" -a $# -gt 2 ] X then shift X if [ $# -ne 6 ] X then syntax create X else X [ "X$2" != "X(" ] && echo "Bad syntax" 1>&2 && X syntax create && return X TABLE1="`expr $3 : '\([^\.]*\)'`" X FIELD1="`expr $3 : '[^\.]*.\(.*\)'`" X TABLE="$TABLE1" X lookup_field "$FIELD1" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad table or field name" 1>&2 && X return X [ "X$4" != "X=" ] && echo "Bad syntax" 1>&2 && X syntax create && return X TABLE2="`expr $5 : '\([^\.]*\)'`" X FIELD2="`expr $5 : '[^\.]*.\(.*\)'`" X TABLE="$TABLE2" X lookup_field "$FIELD2" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad table or field name" 1>&2 && X return X [ "X$2" != "X(" ] && echo "Bad syntax" 1>&2 && X syntax create && return X echo "$TABLE1 $FIELD1 $TABLE2 $FIELD2 $1" > $1% X update_view "$1" X fi X echo "OK" X elif [ "X$1" = "Xtable" -a $# -ge 5 ] X then X [ "X$3" != "X(" ] && echo "Bad syntax" 1>&2 && X syntax create && return X TABLE="$2" X shift 3 X > $TABLE@ X > $TABLE~ X while [ $# -ge 2 ] X do X echo "$1 $2" >> $TABLE@ X shift 2 X done X [ "X$1" != "X)" ] && echo "Bad syntax" 1>&2 && X rm -f $TABLE@ && syntax create && return X echo "OK" X else X echo "Improper syntax ($1)" 1>&2 X syntax create X fi X return } X # #************************************************************************* # drop #************************************************************************** drop(){ X [ "$2" != "table" -a "$2" != "view" ] && X echo "Syntax error." 1>&2 && syntax drop && return X [ "$2" = "table" -a -f "$3%" ] && X echo "Can not drop, $2 is a view, not a table" 1>&2 && return X [ "$2" = "view" -a ! -f "$3%" ] && X echo "Can not drop, $2 is not a view" 1>&2 && return X if [ -f "$3@" -o -f "$3%" ] X then rm -f $3@ $3~ $3% X echo "OK" X else echo "No such table" 1>&2 X fi } X # #************************************************************************** # insert #************************************************************************** insert(){ X shift X [ "X$1" != "Xinto" ] && echo "Improper syntax ($1)" 1>&2 && X syntax insert && return X shift X TABLE="$1" X update_view "$TABLE" && echo "Can not insert into a view" 1>&2 && return X [ ! -f "$TABLE@" ] && echo "Table does not exist" 1>&2 && return X shift X ATTRIB="`cat $TABLE@ | wc -l`" X XASGN="" X XECHO="echo \"" X if [ $# -gt 0 -a "X$1" = "X(" ] X then ATTRIB2="0" X shift X while [ $# -gt 0 -a "X$1" != "X)" ] X do X lookup_field "$1" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Bad field name. ($1)" 1>&2 && X return X XASGN="$XASGN X$OUTFIELDNUM=\`eval echo \$1\` ; shift;" X shift X ATTRIB2=`expr $ATTRIB2 + 1` X done X [ "X$1" != "X)" ] && echo "Syntax error ($1)" 1>&2 && X syntax insert && return X shift X POS="1" X while [ "$POS" -le "$ATTRIB" ] X do X eval X$POS="" X [ "$POS" != "1" ] && XECHO="$XECHO\$TAB" X XECHO="$XECHO\$X$POS" X POS=`expr $POS + 1` X done X XECHO="$XECHO\"" X ATTRIB="$ATTRIB2" X fi X if [ "X$1" = "Xselect" ] X then eval set X "`( SUBSELECT='Y' ; select_ "$@" )` \)" X shift X elif [ "X$1" != "Xvalues" -o "X$2" != 'X(' ] X then echo "Improper syntax ($1)" 1>&2 && syntax insert && X return X else shift 2 X fi X for LAST do X : ; done X [ "X$LAST" != "X)" ] && X echo "Improper syntax" 1>&2 && syntax insert && return X if [ "`expr \( $# - 1 \) % $ATTRIB`" -ne 0 ] X then echo "Incorrect number of values." 1>&2 X else ROWS="`expr \( $# - 1 \) / $ATTRIB`" X while [ $# -gt 1 ] X do X if [ "$XASGN" = "" ] X then X echo $NOCR1 "`eval echo $1`$NOCR2" >> $TABLE~ X shift X while [ "`expr \( $# - 1 \) % $ATTRIB`" -ne 0 ] X do X echo $NOCR1 "$TAB`eval echo $1`$NOCR2"\ X >> $TABLE~ X shift X done X echo "" >> $TABLE~ X else eval $XASGN X eval $XECHO >> $TABLE~ X fi X done X echo "($ROWS rows)" X fi } X # #************************************************************************* # delete #************************************************************************** delete(){ X TABLE="$3" X [ "X$2" != "Xfrom" ] && echo "Improper syntax ($2)" 1>&2 && X syntax delete && return X update_view "$TABLE" && echo "You can not delete from a view." 1>&2 && X return X [ ! -f "$TABLE@" ] && echo "$TABLE does not exist." 1>&2 && return X WHERE="" X if [ "X$4" = "Xwhere" ] X then shift 3 X where "$@" && X awk -F" " "! $WHERE { cnt += 1 ; print } X END { printf \"( %1d rows)\\n\", (NR - cnt) \ X >\"/tmp/$$row\" }" $TABLE~ > /tmp/$$ && X mv /tmp/$$ $TABLE~ && cat /tmp/$$row X else echo '('`cat $TABLE~ | wc -l`' rows)' X > $TABLE~ X fi } X # #************************************************************************* # update #************************************************************************** update(){ X TABLE="$2" X update_view "$TABLE" && echo "Can not update a view." 1>&2 && return X [ ! -f "$TABLE@" ] && echo "$TABLE does not exit." 1>&2 && return X [ "X$3" != "Xset" ] && echo "Improper syntax." 1>&2 && syntax update && X return X shift 3 X ASSIGN="" X while [ $# -gt 0 -a "X$1" != "Xwhere" ] X do X lookup_field "$1" && [ "X$2" = "X=" ] && ASSIGN="$ASSIGN ; " X ASSIGN="$ASSIGN $OUTFIELD" X shift X done X WHERE="" X if [ "X$1" = "Xwhere" ] X then where "$@" || return X fi X awk -F" " "BEGIN { OFS = \" \" } X $WHERE { $ASSIGN; cnt += 1 } X { print } X END { printf \"( %1d rows)\\n\", cnt >\"/tmp/$$row\" }" \ X $TABLE~ > /tmp/$$ && X mv /tmp/$$ $TABLE~ && cat /tmp/$$row } X # #************************************************************************** # select_ #************************************************************************** select_(){ [ "$DEBUG" = "Y" ] && set -x X UNION="Y" X while [ "$UNION" != "" ] X do X INAGG="" X FROM="" X UNION="" X TABLE="" X for ATABLE X do X [ "X$ATABLE" = "Xwhere" ] && break X [ "X$ATABLE" = "Xorder" ] && break X [ "X$ATABLE" = "Xunion" ] && break X [ "X$ATABLE" = "Xfrom" ] && FROM="Y" && continue X if [ "$FROM" ] X then X [ ! -f "$ATABLE@" ] && \ X echo "$ATABLE does not exist." 1>&2 && return 1 X if [ ! "$TABLE" ] X then TABLE="$ATABLE" X else JTABLE="$TABLE" X PREV="" X PPREV="" X FOUND="" X for GETJ X do X if [ "$PREV" = "=" ] X then X TABLE="$JTABLE" X lookup_field "$PPREV" && X TABLE="$ATABLE" && X lookup_field "$GETJ" && X FOUND="Y1" && X break X TABLE="$ATABLE" X lookup_field "$PPREV" && X TABLE="$JTABLE" && X lookup_field "$GETJ" && X FOUND="Y2" && X break X fi X PPREV="$PREV" X PREV="$GETJ" X done X [ ! "$FOUND" ] && X echo "Join not found, \c" && X echo "try reordering tables." 1>&2 && return 1 X if [ "$FOUND" = "Y1" ] X then X echo "$JTABLE $PPREV $ATABLE $GETJ /tmp/$$join2" >/tmp/$$join2% X else X echo "$ATABLE $PPREV $JTABLE $GETJ /tmp/$$join2" >/tmp/$$join2% X fi X update_view /tmp/$$join2 X mv /tmp/$$join2~ /tmp/$$join~ X mv /tmp/$$join2@ /tmp/$$join@ X expr "$RESULT" : '[^:]:*\(.*\)' >>/tmp/$$join@ X cut -d\ -f1 /tmp/$$join~ | \ X paste /tmp/$$join~ - >/tmp/$$ X mv /tmp/$$ /tmp/$$join~ X TABLE="/tmp/$$join" X fi X fi X done X [ ! "$FROM" ] && echo "Syntax error." 1>&2 && syntax select && X return 1 X update_view "$TABLE" X shift X DISTINCT="" X [ "X$1" = "Xdistinct" ] && DISTINCT="Y" && shift X FIELDS="" X PRINTF="" X while [ "X$1" != "Xfrom" ] X do X if [ "X$1" = 'X*' ] X then shift X set X `cat $TABLE@ | cut -d\ -f1` "$@" X shift X else lookup_field "$1" X if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] X then do_aggreg "$@" X if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] X then INAGG="Y" X shift 3 X else X echo "Bad field name ($1)" 1>&2 X return 1 X fi X fi X [ "$FIELDS" ] && FIELDS="$FIELDS," X FIELDS="$FIELDS $OUTFIELD" X if [ "$SUBSELECT" = "" ] X then [ ! "$PRINTF" ] && PRINTF="|" X WIDTH=`expr "$RESULT" : \ X '[^ ]* \(.*\)'` X PRINTF="$PRINTF%-$WIDTH.${WIDTH}s|" X else if [ ! "$AGGREGATE" ] X then PRINTF="$PRINTF\\\"%s\\\" " X else PRINTF="$PRINTF%s\n" X fi X fi X shift X fi X done X shift 2 X WHERE="" X WHERE_USED="" X SORT="" X while [ $# -ne 0 ] X do X if [ "X$1" = "Xwhere" -a "$WHERE_USED" = "" ] X then X where "$@" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && return 1 X [ "$QUIET" = "" -a "$SUBSELECT" = "" ] && X WHERE="$WHERE || NR == 1" X WHERE_USED="Y" X shift X elif [ "X$1" = "Xorder" ] X then [ "X$2" != "Xby" ] && X echo "Syntax error ($2)" 1>&2 && X syntax select && return 1 X shift 2 X while [ $# -gt 0 -a "$1" != "union" ] X do X if [ "X$1" != "Xasc" -a \ X "X$1" != "Xdesc" -a \ X "X$1" != "Xnum" ] X then lookup_field "$1" X [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && X echo "Bad field name ($1)" 1>&2 && return 1 X [ "$SORT" = "" ] && X SORT="sort -t\" \" " X SORTL="`expr $OUTFIELDNUM - 1`" X SORT="$SORT +$SORTL" X [ "X$2" = "Xnum" ] && X SORT="${SORT}n" X [ "X$2" = "Xdesc" ] && X SORT="${SORT}r" X [ "X$3" = "Xdesc" ] && X SORT="${SORT}r" X SORT="$SORT -$OUTFIELDNUM" X fi X shift X done X elif [ "X$1" = "Xunion" ] X then shift X UNION="Y" X WHERE_USED="" X break X else shift X fi X done X [ "$INAGG" ] && WHERE="NR == 1" X X if [ "$DISTINCT" != "" ] X then if [ "$SORT" = "" ] X then DIST="sort | uniq | tee /tmp/$$row" X else DIST="uniq | tee /tmp/$$row" X fi X else DIST="cat" X fi X X TABLEFILE="$TABLE~" X [ "$SORT" != "" ] && cat $TABLE~ | eval "$SORT" > /tmp/$$ && X TABLEFILE="/tmp/$$" X X if [ "$SUBSELECT" ] X then awk -F" " "$WHERE {printf \"$PRINTF\", $FIELDS }" \ X $TABLEFILE |eval "$DIST" X else if [ ! "$QUIET" -o "$INAGG" = "Y" ] X then X ( set X `cut -d\ -f1 $TABLE@` ; shift X echo $NOCR1 "-$1-$NOCR2" ; shift X for HEADING X do X echo $NOCR1 "$TAB-$HEADING-$NOCR2" X done ; echo "" ) X fi | X awk -F" " \ X "$WHERE { cnt += 1 ; printf \"$PRINTF\\n\", $FIELDS } X END { printf \"( %1d rows)\\n\", (cnt - 1) \ X >\"/tmp/$$row\" }" - $TABLEFILE | eval "$DIST" \ X && if [ "$DISTINCT" = "" ] X then cat /tmp/$$row X else if [ "$QUIET" = "" ] X then X=`expr \`cat /tmp/$$row|wc -l\` - 1` X else X=`expr \`cat /tmp/$$row|wc -l\`` X fi X echo '('$X' rows)' X fi X fi X done X return 0 } X # #************************************************************************** # main #************************************************************************** while : do X while : X do X echo $NOCR1 "* $NOCR2" X read LINE || exit X SQLPART="`expr "$LINE" : '\(..*\)/. *$'`" X if [ "$SQLPART" != "" ] X then X [ "$NEW" = "Y" ] && _CMD="" X if [ "`expr "$LINE" : '.*/p/g *$'`" -ne 0 ] X then X _CMD="$_CMD"`expr "$LINE" : '\(.*\)/p/g *$'`"$NL" X LINE="/p/g" X NEW="" X else X _CMD="$_CMD""$SQLPART""$NL" X LINE="`expr "$LINE" : '.*\(/.\) *$'`" X NEW="" X fi X fi X case "$LINE" in X /p|p) echo "$_CMD";; X /g|g) break;; X /p/g|pg) echo "$_CMD" ; break ;; X /r|r) echo "reset" ; _CMD="";; X /s|s) umask $UMASK ; $SHELL ; umask 0000;; X /e|e) umask $UMASK ; echo "$_CMD" > /tmp/$$ X $EDITOR /tmp/$$; _CMD="`cat /tmp/$$`" X umask 0000;; X /i|i) echo $NOCR1 "Enter include file: $NOCR2" X read LINE X [ -f "$LINE" ] && _CMD="$_CMD`cat $LINE`$NL" && X echo "$LINE included";; X /w|w) echo $NOCR1 "Enter output file: $NOCR2" X read LINE X [ "$LINE" ] && umask $UMASK && X echo "$_CMD" > "$LINE" && umask 0000 && X echo "$LINE written";; X /q|q) exit 0;; X \#*) [ "$NEW" = "Y" ] && _CMD="" ;; X *) [ "$NEW" = "Y" ] && _CMD="" X _CMD="$_CMD$LINE$NL";; X esac X NEW="" X done X X CMD=`echo "$_CMD" | sed \ X -e "s/'/\"/g" \ X -e 's/\"\([^\"]*\)\"/\"\\\"\1\\\"\"/g' \ X -e 's/\([<>!=][<>!=]*\)/ \1 /g' \ X -e 's//\\\>/g' \ X -e 's/\*/\\\*/g' \ X -e 's/(/ \\\( /g' \ X -e 's/)/ \\\) /g'` X [ ! "$CMD" ] && continue X IFS="$_IFS," X eval set X $CMD X shift X IFS="$_IFS" X NEW="Y" X case $1 in X select) select_ "$@";; X create) create "$@";; X delete) delete "$@";; X drop) drop "$@";; X insert) insert "$@";; X update) update "$@";; X edit) [ "$2" ] && $EDITOR $2@;; X help) help "$@";; X print) select_ "select" '*' "from" "$2";; X *) echo "Missing or unrecognized command." 1>&2 ;; X esac done SHAR_EOF $shar_touch -am 0709174495 'shql' && chmod 0755 'shql' || echo 'restore of shql failed' shar_count="`wc -c < 'shql'`" test 20727 -eq "$shar_count" || echo "shql: original size 20727, current size $shar_count" fi exit 0