Has any thing happened from 7.4Rc2 to 7.4 that requires me
to initdb , dump and reload?


scott.marlowe wrote:
On 18 Nov 2003, Christopher Murtagh wrote:

 Just wondering if there were indeed any changes between 7.4 and 7.4RC2.
I had to go live with 7.4RC2 on the weekend (it passed all of our tests
quite well and we needed some of its features). Was RC2 simply stamped
'Final' or were there any last fixes that I should worry about?

There was some issue with Solaris and IPV6/IPV4 or something like that 
that popped up late in 7.4RC2 to 7.4 I believe.  I think the decision was 
that in order to fix it, postgresql would have to code around broken 
operating systems, and that isn't something that postgresql should have to 
do, i.e. let Solaris get fixed, or delay the fix until it can be better 
tested and maybe roll it into a 7.4.x release.

Also, some code for dates was fixed at the last minute, to make postgresql 
accept the uncommon but obviously correct date format of "1999-feb-02" or 
something like that.  It might affect your date handling, but shouldn't.  
Again, I'm not sure exactly what was changed on this, but it's a place to 
look on your test server before going live to 7.4.

Anything I miss / get wrong / leave out?

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