I have looked around, but not found the standard. Where I have looked, it seems to be:

     ..... not........

Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
Nigel J. Andrews wrote:
I had do do this sort of thing for a some developers. It was actually 'true'
and 'false' that was wanted not the 0/1. I wrote a little plgsql function and
installed it as a cast to text.

Thanks. I know that there are workarounds, I just want to "prove" that
0/1 is not standards compliant. If I can do that I am pretty sure that
the developer will have nothing against changing to true/false.

Right not he just things postgresql must be broken because 0/1 works in
MySQL ... But he's pretty good when it comes to fixing things because
they don't follow standards. So if I can show him his SQL isn't
standards compliant he'll probably happily fix it.

Jean-Christian Imbeault

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