First draft of a mini-HOWTO for installation of PgReplicator , a system to synchronize PostgreSQL databases. WARNING: not for the faint of heart. Plan time. Read . First, you have to find the version of TCL built with PostregSQL. A simple way is to look the source package: apt-get source postgresql cd postgresql-$VERSION grep -i tcl debian/rules Here, we will assume it is 8.3. Install these mandatory packages: apt-get install tcl8.3-dev tk8.3 libpgtcl fakeroot Download TCL, you will need its source to build the DP extension (why? I don't know, I do not need Perl's sources to install a Perl module from the CPAN) : cd $SRC_DIR apt-get source tcl8.3 cd tcl8.3-$VERSION chmod a+x debian/rules; dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot Get and build TCL-DP : cd .. Download and untar cd tcl-dp/unix ./configure --with-tcl=$SRC_DIR/tcl8.3-8.3.3/unix Patch ../generic/dpInit.c (comment "if (TclHasSockets(interp) != TCL_OK)", see the instructions in . make rm ../tests/00-first.test (cd ../tests; tclsh all) cd .. wish teki.tcl Custom install, then choose FreeBSD as a system type, it seems to work, suppress the default MS-Windows. chmod -R a+r /usr/lib/tcl8.3/dp4.0 No, continue with pgreplicator installation: adduser --ingroup postgres --home /home/replicator --gecos "PostgreSQL replicator" replicator chmod 770 /home/replicator createuser As replicator, untar replicator in /home/replicator cd pgreplica/bin Uncomment the first three directory variables (PG*) cp pgr.conf /etc chmod 644 /etc/pgr.conf cp ./utilities/pgrd.debian /etc/init.d/pgrd (The end-of-lines seem to be DOS, copy and paste to change that.) chmod a+x /etc/init.d/pgrd Edit /etc/init.d/pgrd to add /usr/lib/postgresql/bin to PATH and to add: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH Set up the links: update-rc.d pgrd start 90 2 3 4 5 . stop 90 0 1 6 . cp /etc/pgr.conf .profile Edit .profile to add: PATH=${PATH}:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH As replicator you can now create the new PostgresSQL Replicator installation: ./initdbr /etc/init.d/pgrd start Now, the replicator started (you should see it with ps). Look ~replicator/data/log/pgrd.start. Now, have a beer and proceed with pgreplicator configuration. -- Stephane Bortzmeyer