I am sorry, if I am asking a stupid question. I am new to this mailing list, just subscribed yesterday... I did not know about the news server being available until I read this thread...
I'd really prefer to use a news reader over receiving e-mails, if possible...
So, I went to news.postgresql.org and subscribed to com.databases.postgres.general (is it the right one?). Somehow, the messages I see there are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what I received by mail (what's in mail is not in the news, and what's in the news is not in the mail)...
Am I just looking at a wrong server/group? Or am I missing something else here?

I'd greatly appreciate any help. Thank you very much!


Bruce Momjian wrote:
John Gray wrote:
Hi all,

I've noticed, when using google to look through the newsgroup archives,
that the news gateway still seems unreliable. (I switched from news to
mail a few months back for this reason). For example, I replied
yesterday to the "order by a XML column" message, and my reply came back
to me (and is in the mail archives) but hasn't appeared in the newsgroup
version (this is using a newsreader attached to news.postgresql.org - so
the google archive won't have it either).

I don't know what (if anything) can be done about this -but if people
are looking for answers on the newsgroups they may think we're being
unfriendly when they don't get an answer.

Yes, I have seen the same thing. Marc wants to know if it shows in at
NNTP server news.postgresql.org. I just attached to it and can see
messages, so please verify the missing messages against that server and
report back. Thanks.