I have a couple of LAN servers set up for learning & developing. One is FreeBSD 4.10 running apache 1.3 with php4 module and postgresql 7.3 ; the 7.0 is running apache22, php5 and posstgresql 8.3.
Here's the problem: Everything is fine on the older machine. I transferred one "WebSite" to the newer machine; did the pg_dumpall to the new machine and all appears ok. I changed the include $DOCUMENT_ROOTs to ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]...... and all that is well. However, there seems to be a problem with the sql code which was done by another party. There is a function "checkuser" which is invoked upon login from index.php. The instruction is: checkuser(array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6));...... and there it stops.

function checkuser($group_id) {
    global $sid,$ttl,$login_prompt,$user,$password,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_POST_VARS,

    if(!isset($user)) {
    if(!isset($password)) {
    if(!isset($sid)) {
    if(is_array($group_id)) {
     * Statistics: check if such page exists in database
     * If not, add it
    if($loglevel>=1) {
        select page_id from pages where name='$SCRIPT_NAME'");
    if(!$page_id) {
        $page_q=sqlquery("insert into pages (name) values ('$SCRIPT_NAME')");

     * Get user ID by session ID
    select \"user\".user_id from \"user\",groups,user_group,session
    where hash='$sid' and
        \"user\".user_id=session.user_id and
        user_group.group_id=groups.group_id and
        \"user\".user_id=user_group.user_id and
        groups.group_id in ($group_id) and

     * No such session, or session is expired
    if(!isset($user_id) || $user_id=='') do {
     * Handle POSTs
     * Check password and group; anonymous access also
        select \"user\".user_id from \"user\",groups,user_group
        where \"user\".user_id=user_group.user_id and
        user_group.group_id=groups.group_id and
        groups.group_id in ($group_id) and
            ((\"user\".name='$user' and
            \"user\".password='".(md5($password))."') or

     * yeah, authorized
    if(isset($user_id) && $user_id!='' && $user_id>=0) {
        select hash from session where user_id='$user_id' and
            ip='$REMOTE_ADDR' and end_time>".(time())."
        order by end_time desc");
        if(isset($md5) && $md5!='') {
            update session set end_time=".(time()+$ttl).",
            where hash='$md5' and user_id='$user_id'");
        else do {
                insert into session (hash,user_id,start_time,
                values ('$md5','$user_id',".(time()).",".(time()+$ttl).",
        } while (strcmp($result,'error')==0);


     * Unauthorized; prompt to login
     * Save POST and GET variables, except user/password

    while(list($name,$value)=each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
        if($name!='user' && $name!='password') {
        $vars.="\n<input type=hidden name='$name' value='$value'>";
    while(list($name,$value)=each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
        if($name!='user' && $name!='password') {
        $vars.="\n<input type=hidden name='$name' value='$value'>";
    $login_prompt=eregi_replace('<!-- INFERNO -->','<!-- INFERNO -->'.$vars,$login_prompt);
    echo $login_prompt;
    } while (0);
     * Update existing session to prevent expiration
    else {
        update session set end_time=".(time()+$ttl).",
        where hash='$sid'");

     * Statistics: write page view
    if($loglevel>=1) {
        insert into visits (session_id,page_id,when_stamp,path,referer)
        select session_id,$page_id,'now','$REQUEST_URI','$HTTP_REFERER'
        from session
        where hash='$sid'");

    return $user_id;

The Web page does not load. If I remove the line checkuser (array....)  from the php code, things come up fine.  Sooooo, I'm a little lost. Could it be that the sql code should be different for the current psql? The database is fine, I can access it and view it (SELECT * FROM ....etc...etc.) from the command line.

Could someone please steer me as to what to look for and where to find possible correcections?
Thanks much in advance.