This was not a support request. I have already solved the problem, but it much more code than my original method (which does not work). According to the documentation I should be able to use the OLD record in the dynamic command passed to the Execute statement.cyrus wrote:I am having problems using the Old record as part of the dynamic command passed to the Execute statement in a trigger.This is not a bug (please don't use the bug report form for support requests). Anyway, you may want to check the "tablelog" project in for code that works for this purpose (or something similar anyway).
The error received was: ERROR: OLD used in query that is not in a rule CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO public.test_hist SELECT OLD.* from OLD;" PL/pgSQL function "hist_insert_tr" line 8 at execute statement Below is the DDL I used to replicate the problem. create table public.test(itest integer); create table public.test_hist( itest integer, "dmodified" TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hist_insert_tr () RETURNS trigger AS $body$ declare lcDynamicSQL varchar := ''; BEGIN --does not work --lcDynamicSQL := 'INSERT INTO public.' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_hist SELECT OLD.*;'; --does not work lcDynamicSQL := 'INSERT INTO public.' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_hist SELECT OLD.* from OLD;'; EXECUTE lcDynamicSQL; RETURN NULL; END; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; CREATE TRIGGER test_after_tr AFTER UPDATE ON public.test FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.hist_insert_tr(test); insert into test (itest) VALUES(1); update test set itest = 2; drop table public.test cascade; drop table public.test_hist; DROP FUNCTION public.hist_insert_tr(); Bug reference: 3587 Logged by: cyrus Email address: PostgreSQL version: 8.1.9 Operating system: i686-redhat-linux-gnu Description: EXECUTE and trigger problem