Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-8] (nfold.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_portfolio np on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-9] (np.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id) left outer join component nopc Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15213-10] on (nopc.id = nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15214-1] <14243871>LOG: statement: select p.meta_name, p.meta_info, h.start_file_id, h.use_pp_css, p.htype, p.scorm_type, p.derived_from Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15214-2] from part p left outer join html_part h on (p.id = h.part_id) where p.id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15215-1] <14243872>LOG: statement: select pq.q_submit_id, qs.max_time, qs.lock_other_content from part_quiz pq join q_submit qs on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15215-2] (qs.id = pq.q_submit_id) where pq.part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15216-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: select count(*) from discuss_mail_queue Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: select qsc.q_submit_id, qs.lock_other_content from q_submit_comp qsc join published_part_components Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-2] ppc on (qsc.q_comp_id = ppc.component_id) join q_submit qs on (qs.id = qsc.q_submit_id) where ppc.part_id = $1 and qs.max_time Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15217-3] is not null limit 1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: select distinct p.email, p.default_language, ds.name, m.heading, m.content, m.created, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-2] cp.discuss_mail_only_info, c.meta_name, m.creator_name from person p join discuss_subject_subscribe dss on (dss.userid = Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-3] p.userid) join discuss_subject ds on (ds.subject_id = dss.subject_id) join discuss_mail_queue dmq on (dmq.subject_id = Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-4] ds.subject_id) join discuss_course dc on (dc.subject_id = ds.subject_id) join course c on (c.id = dc.course_id) join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-5] course_prefs cp on (cp.course_id = c.id) join message m on (m.message_id = dmq.message_id) left outer join message_read mr on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-6] (mr.message_id = m.message_id and mr.userid = p.userid) join group_data gd on (gd.this_group_id = dc.group_id and gd.item_text Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-7] = p.userid) where mr.userid is null union select p.email, p.default_language, ds.name, m.heading, m.content, m.created, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-8] cp.discuss_mail_only_info, c.meta_name, m.creator_name from person p join discuss_subject_subscribe dss on (dss.userid = Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-9] p.userid) join discuss_subject ds on (ds.subject_id = dss.subject_id) join discuss_mail_queue dmq on (dmq.subject_id = Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-10] ds.subject_id) join discuss_group dg on (dg.subject_id = ds.subject_id) join group_group gg on (gg.group_id = dg.group_id) join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-11] course c on (c.groups_group_id = gg.this_group_id) join course_prefs cp on (cp.course_id = c.id) join message m on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-12] (m.message_id = dmq.message_id) left outer join message_read mr on (mr.message_id = m.message_id and mr.userid = p.userid) join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15218-13] group_data gd on (gd.this_group_id = dg.group_id and gd.item_text = p.userid) where mr.userid is null Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15219-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: select poll_submit_id from part_poll where part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15220-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: delete from discuss_mail_queue Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15221-1] <14243873>LOG: statement: select rs_id from part_report_submission where part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15222-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: SELECT name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select n.node_id, n.node_type, n.node_name, n.node_description, n.node_keywords, n.ts, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-2] n.last_changed, n.created_by, trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name, nl.url, nf.file_size, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-3] nf.mime_type, nf.file_name, nf.file_id, nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-4] ni.separate_window, np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id, nopc.meta_name as Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-5] portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from node_content nc join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-6] node n on (nc.content_node_id = n.node_id) left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid) left outer join node_link nl Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-7] on (nl.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_folder nfold on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-8] (nfold.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_portfolio np on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-9] (np.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id) left outer join component nopc Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15223-10] on (nopc.id = nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15224-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: SELECT name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select n.node_id, n.node_type, n.node_name, n.node_description, n.node_keywords, n.ts, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-2] n.last_changed, n.created_by, trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name, nl.url, nf.file_size, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-3] nf.mime_type, nf.file_name, nf.file_id, nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-4] ni.separate_window, np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id, nopc.meta_name as Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-5] portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from node_content nc join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-6] node n on (nc.content_node_id = n.node_id) left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid) left outer join node_link nl Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-7] on (nl.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_folder nfold on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-8] (nfold.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_portfolio np on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-9] (np.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_objective nop on (nop.node_id = np.objective_id) left outer join component nopc Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15225-10] on (nopc.id = nop.objective_type_id) where nc.node_id = $1 order by nc.seq Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15226-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: SELECT * FROM course_prefs WHERE course_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15227-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select p.meta_name, p.meta_info, h.start_file_id, h.use_pp_css, p.htype, p.scorm_type, p.derived_from Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15227-2] from part p left outer join html_part h on (p.id = h.part_id) where p.id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15228-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select * from course_nav where course_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15229-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select pq.q_submit_id, qs.max_time, qs.lock_other_content from part_quiz pq join q_submit qs on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15229-2] (qs.id = pq.q_submit_id) where pq.part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15230-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select * from course_nav_item where course_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select qsc.q_submit_id, qs.lock_other_content from q_submit_comp qsc join published_part_components Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-2] ppc on (qsc.q_comp_id = ppc.component_id) join q_submit qs on (qs.id = qsc.q_submit_id) where ppc.part_id = $1 and qs.max_time Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15231-3] is not null limit 1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15232-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select abstract_id, prop_id from course where id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15233-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select poll_submit_id from part_poll where part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15234-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select custom_nav_id from course_custom_nav where course_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15235-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select rs_id from part_report_submission where part_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15236-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select 1 from pim where type >= 0 and read = false and recipient = $1 limit 1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15237-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: SELECT name, value FROM item_property WHERE item_id = $1 Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-1] <14243874>LOG: statement: select n.node_id, n.node_type, n.node_name, n.node_description, n.node_keywords, n.ts, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-2] n.last_changed, n.created_by, trim(p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name) as created_by_name, nl.url, nf.file_size, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-3] nf.mime_type, nf.file_name, nf.file_id, nfold.folder_quota, ni.part_id, ni.nav_visible, ni.orient_visible, Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-4] ni.separate_window, np.portfolio_type, np.course_id, np.objective_id, np.document_node_id, nopc.meta_name as Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-5] portfolio_target_name, nopc.id as portfolio_target_id, nopc.type as portfolio_target_type, nc.seq from node_content nc join Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-6] node n on (nc.content_node_id = n.node_id) left outer join person p on (n.created_by = p.userid) left outer join node_link nl Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-7] on (nl.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_file nf on (nf.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_folder nfold on Apr 21 09:50:23 postgres[22588]: [15238-8] (nfold.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_item ni on (ni.node_id = n.node_id) left outer join node_portfolio np on