Hi there all.
I am quite new to Postgres, so forgive me if this question seems obvious.

I have created a database with the UTF-8 encoding  (createdb cassa --encoding=UTF-8) .
Then I have made the following tests :

cassa=> create table test(id varchar(5));
cassa=> insert into test values ('12345');
INSERT 178725 1
cassa=> insert into test values ('123è');
INSERT 178726 1
cassa=> insert into test values ('1234è');
ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(5)

but if I try
cassa=> select '#' || id || '#' from test;
(2 rows)

so, apparently the chars are stored the rigth way (
#123è#) but when trying the query the è char is parsed as  2 chars ....

The database server version is 7.3.4 on a RedHat 9 machine ...

Any clue ?


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