Ah. In that case schema's are of no use for me. I just want an easy way to give users different rights on tables/views, without having to specify every single table and view. Maybe this is something that needs to be changed in a future release? I have many many tables and views and having to specify every single one of them is just a drag...

Kind regards,
Alexander Priem.

> On Thursday 19 February 2004 15:43, Alexander Priem wrote:
> > Hi Shridhar,
> >
> > I created some schemas, as you seggested, but the only rights I can apply
> > to a schema are 'usage' and 'create'. Is it possible to assign 'select',
> > 'insert' and 'update' rights to an entire schema?
> No. You can not do that. You have to grant those right on the objects. Howe> ver
> while revoking them you can just revoke the schema rights and the objects
> will be inaccessible to that user.
> HTH>
> Shridhar

Met vriendelijke groet,

Alexander Priem
CICT Solutions
Email: ap@cict.nl
Internet: www.cict.nl