Yes, there are 42000+ records with order_id = 0, no other order_id is present in more than 10 records.

Is there any simple way to solve this problem without going to 7.2? (I'd rather go to 7.3 directly in a month or two).


PS: Thanks for always being there for 'us', the plain users.

Tom Lane wrote:
Maurice Balick <> writes:
The weird thing is that this used to work (i.e. trans_oid_idx was used)
when there was about 200000 records (about 1/3 of now). Also, there is
9000 distinct values of account_id, but about 300000 values of order_id.

What's the most common value in each case?

(I am running Postgresql 7.1.3 on Redhat 7.1)

7.2 is less likely to be fooled when the most common value is much more
common than the rest ...

regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
