#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: postgresql_autodoc.pl,v 1.12 2001/08/16 18:17:22 rbt Exp $ # Postgres Auto-Doc Version 0.13 # Installation Steps # ------------------ # 1. Read License # 2. Group tables in large installations for ease of placement (%StereoType) # License # ------- # Copyright (c) 2001, Rod Taylor # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the InQuent Technologies Inc. nor the names # of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FREEBSD # PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Contributors # ------------ # Rod Taylor # DataBase Developer # rod.taylor@inquent.com # http://www.inquent.com # # Andrew McMillan # About Project # ------------- # Written due to ERWin taking an excessive amount of time in sending # out trial licenses. # # http://www.zort.ca/postgresql use DBI; use strict; # Allows file locking use Fcntl; # Grouping Structure # ------------------ # Tables matching these expressions will be grouped together in Dia for easy positioning. # Ie. You can move the group to it's place, choose ungroup then move individual tables. # Expand the list to fit your needs. You'll need to use 'ungroup' in the Dia interface # to seperate tables again. my %StereoType; #$StereoType{'StereoType Description'} = '^rexexp; # # Just Code down here -- Nothing to see # my $dbuser = $ENV{'USER'}; my $database = $dbuser; my $dbpass = ""; my $dbport = ""; my $dbhost = ""; my $index_outputfile = "$database.html"; my $uml_outputfile = "$database.dia"; my $showserials = 1; my $do_index = 1; my $do_uml = 1; my $dbisset = 0; my $fileisset = 0; my $default_group = " whitespace for sort order "; for( my $i=0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++ ) { ARGPARSE: for ( $ARGV[$i] ) { /^-d$/ && do { $database = $ARGV[++$i]; $dbisset = 1; if (! $fileisset) { $uml_outputfile = $database . '.dia'; $index_outputfile = $database . '.html'; } last; }; /^-U$/ && do { $dbuser = $ARGV[++$i]; if (! $dbisset) { $database = $dbuser; if (! $fileisset) { $uml_outputfile = $database . '.dia'; $index_outputfile = $database . '.html'; } } last; }; /^-h$/ && do { $dbhost = $ARGV[++$i]; last; }; /^-p$/ && do { $dbport = $ARGV[++$i]; last; }; /^--password=/ && do { $dbpass = $ARGV[++$i]; last; }; /^-f$/ && do { $uml_outputfile = $ARGV[++$i]; $fileisset = 1; last; }; /^-F$/ && do { $index_outputfile = $ARGV[++$i]; $fileisset = 1; last; }; /^--no-index$/ && do { $do_index = 0; last; }; /^--no-uml$/ && do { $do_uml = 0; last; }; /^-S$/ && do { $showserials = 0; last; }; /^-s$/ && do { $showserials = 1; last; }; /^-\?$/ && do { usage(); }; /^--help$/ && do { usage(); }; } } if ($#ARGV <= 0) { print "No arguments set. Use 'postgres_to_dia.pl --help' for help\n\nConnecting to database '$database' as user '$dbuser'\n\n"; } my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database"; $dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if ( "$dbhost" ne "" ); $dsn .= ";port=$dbport" if ( "$dbport" ne "" ); # Database Connection # ------------------- my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass); # $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; END { $dbh->disconnect() if $dbh; } my $sql_Tables = qq{ SELECT relname as tablename , pg_get_userbyid(relowner) AS tableowner , relhasindex as hasindexes , relhasrules as hasrules , reltriggers as hastriggers , pg_class.oid , description as table_description FROM pg_class LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description on (pg_class.oid = pg_description.objoid) WHERE ( relkind = 'r'::"char" OR relkind = 's'::"char" ) AND relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'; }; # - uses pg_class.oid my $sql_Primary_Keys = qq{ SELECT i.oid AS index_oid , i.relname AS index_name , c.relname AS index_table , pg_get_indexdef(pg_index.indexrelid) AS index_definition , pg_attribute.oid AS column_oid , pg_attribute.attname AS column_name , CASE WHEN indisprimary IS TRUE THEN 'PRIMARY KEY' ELSE 'UNIQUE' END as index_type , (SELECT count(i2.oid) FROM pg_index x , pg_attribute a , pg_class c2 , pg_class i2 WHERE a.attrelid = i.oid AND c2.oid = x.indrelid AND i2.oid = x.indexrelid AND x.indisunique IS TRUE AND i2.oid = i.oid ) as index_count FROM pg_index , pg_attribute , pg_class as c , pg_class as i WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = i.oid AND c.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND i.oid = pg_index.indexrelid AND pg_index.indisunique IS TRUE AND c.oid = ?; }; # - uses pg_class.oid my $sql_Foreign_Keys = qq{ SELECT oid , tgname as constraint_name , tgnargs as number_args , tgargs as args FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgisconstraint = TRUE AND tgtype = 21 AND tgrelid = ?; }; # - uses pg_class.oid my $sql_Columns = qq{ SELECT attname as column_name , attlen as column_length , CASE WHEN attlen = -1 THEN CASE WHEN typname = 'varchar' OR typname = 'char' THEN typname || '(' || atttypmod - 4 || ')' WHEN typname = 'numeric' THEN format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) WHEN typname = 'text' THEN typname END ELSE typname END as column_type , CASE WHEN attnotnull IS TRUE THEN 'NOT NULL'::text ELSE ''::text END as column_null , adsrc as column_default , description as column_description FROM pg_attribute JOIN pg_type ON (pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid) LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attrdef ON ( pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_attrdef.adrelid AND pg_attribute.attnum = pg_attrdef.adnum) LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description ON (pg_description.objoid = pg_attribute.oid) WHERE attnum > 0 AND attrelid = ?; }; # - uses pg_class.oid my $sql_Constraint = qq{ SELECT substr(rcsrc, 2, length(rcsrc) - 2) as constraint_source , rcname as constraint_name FROM pg_relcheck WHERE rcrelid = ?; }; my $sth_Tables = $dbh->prepare($sql_Tables); my $sth_Foreign_Keys = $dbh->prepare($sql_Foreign_Keys); my $sth_Primary_Keys = $dbh->prepare($sql_Primary_Keys); my $sth_Columns = $dbh->prepare($sql_Columns); my $sth_Constraint = $dbh->prepare($sql_Constraint); my %structure; # Main Loop $sth_Tables->execute(); while (my $tables = $sth_Tables->fetchrow_hashref) { my $table_oid = $tables->{'oid'}; my $table_name = $tables->{'tablename'}; my $group; #print "$table_name\n"; foreach my $ref (keys %StereoType) { if ($table_name =~ /$StereoType{$ref}/) { $group = $ref; next; } } if ($group eq '') { $group = $default_group; } $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'DESCRIPTION'} = $tables->{'table_description'}; $sth_Constraint->execute($table_oid); while (my $cols = $sth_Constraint->fetchrow_hashref) { my $constraint_name = $cols->{'constraint_name'}; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$constraint_name} = $cols->{'constraint_source'}; # print " $constraint_name\n"; } $sth_Columns->execute($table_oid); while (my $cols = $sth_Columns->fetchrow_hashref) { my $column_name = $cols->{'column_name'}; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'PRIMARY KEY'} = 0; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'FK'} = ''; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'TYPE'} = $cols->{'column_type'}; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'NULL'} = $cols->{'column_null'}; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'DESCRIPTION'} = $cols->{'column_description'}; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'DEFAULT'} = $cols->{'column_default'}; # Convert sequences to SERIAL type. if ( $showserials && $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'TYPE'} eq 'int4' && $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'DEFAULT'} =~ '^nextval\(.*?seq[\'"]*::text\)$' ) { $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'TYPE'} = 'serial'; $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{'DEFAULT'} = ''; } # print " $column_name\n"; } $sth_Primary_Keys->execute($table_oid); while (my $pricols = $sth_Primary_Keys->fetchrow_hashref) { my $column_oid = $pricols->{'oid'}; my $column_name = $pricols->{'column_name'}; my $column_number = $pricols->{'index_count'}; my $index_type = $pricols->{'index_type'}; my $index_name = $pricols->{'index_name'}; if ($column_number == 1) { $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$column_name}{$index_type} = 1; } else { # Lets form a multikey index if (exists($structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$index_name})) { my $match = substr($structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$index_name}, 0, -1); $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$index_name} = $match . ", $column_name)"; } else { $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$index_name} = "$index_type ($column_name)"; } } # print " PK $index_type $column_number $table_name $column_name\n"; } $sth_Foreign_Keys->execute($table_oid); while (my $forcols = $sth_Foreign_Keys->fetchrow_hashref) { my $column_oid = $forcols->{'oid'}; my $args = $forcols->{'args'}; my $constraint_name = $forcols->{'constraint_name'}; my $nargs = $forcols->{'number_args'}; if ($nargs == 6) { my ( $keyname , $table , $ftable , $unspecified , $lcolumn_name , $fcolumn_name ) = split(/\000/, $args); $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'COLUMN'}{$lcolumn_name}{'FK'} = "$ftable"; #.$fcolumn_name"; # print " FK $lcolumn_name -> $ftable.$fcolumn_name\n"; } elsif (($nargs - 6) % 2 == 0) { my ( $keyname , $table , $ftable , $unspecified , $lcolumn_name , $fcolumn_name , @junk ) = split(/\000/, $args); my $key_cols = "$lcolumn_name"; my $ref_cols = "$fcolumn_name"; while ($lcolumn_name = pop(@junk) and $fcolumn_name = pop(@junk)) { $key_cols .= ", $lcolumn_name"; $ref_cols .= ", $fcolumn_name"; } $structure{$group}{$table_name}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$constraint_name} = "FOREIGN KEY ($key_cols) REFERENCES $ftable($ref_cols)"; } } } if ($do_uml == 1) { &write_uml_structure(%structure); } if ($do_index == 1) { &write_index_structure(%structure); } ##################################### sub write_index_structure($structure) { sysopen(FH, $index_outputfile, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "Can't open $index_outputfile: $!"; print FH 'Index for '. $database .''; ## Primary Index print FH '


'; ## Group Creation foreach my $group (sort keys %structure) { foreach my $table (sort keys %{$structure{$group}}) { print FH '

Table: '; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH ''. $group .' - '; } print FH ''. $table .'

'. $structure{$group}{$table}{'DESCRIPTION'} .'

'; foreach my $column (sort keys %{$structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}}) { print FH ''; if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} ne '') { my $fk_group; foreach my $fk_search_group (sort keys %structure) { foreach my $fk_search_table (sort keys %{$structure{$fk_search_group}}) { if ($fk_search_table eq $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'}) { $fk_group = $fk_search_group; # NOTE: How do we get out of 2 loops quickly? } } } print FH ''; } else { print FH ''; } print FH ''; } print FH '
'; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH $group .' - '; } print FH $table .' Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
'; if ($fk_group ne $default_group) { print FH $fk_group .' -> '; } print FH $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} .' '. $column .' '. $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'TYPE'} .''; my $marker_wasdata = 0; if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'NULL'} ne '') { print FH ''. $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'NULL'}; $marker_wasdata = 1; } if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'PRIMARY KEY'} == 1) { if ($marker_wasdata == 1) { print FH ' PRIMARY KEY '; } else { print FH 'PRIMARY KEY '; $marker_wasdata = 1; } } if (exists($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'UNIQUE'})) { if ($marker_wasdata == 1) { print FH ' UNIQUE '; } else { print FH 'UNIQUE '; $marker_wasdata = 1; } } if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DEFAULT'} ne '') { if ($marker_wasdata == 1) { print FH ' default '. $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DEFAULT'}; } else { print FH 'default '. $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DEFAULT'}; $marker_wasdata = 1; } } if ($marker_wasdata == 1) { print FH ''; } if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DESCRIPTION'} ne '') { if ($marker_wasdata == 1) { print FH '

'; } print FH $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DESCRIPTION'}; } print FH '
'; # Constraint List my $constraint_marker = 0; foreach my $constraint (sort keys %{$structure{$group}{$table}{'CONSTRAINT'}}) { if ($constraint_marker == 0) { print FH '
'; $constraint_marker = 1; } print FH ''; } if ($constraint_marker == 1) { print FH '
'; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH $group .' - '; } print FH $table .' Constraints
Name Constraint
'. $constraint .' '. $structure{$group}{$table}{'CONSTRAINT'}{$constraint} .'
'; } # Foreign Key Discovery my $fk_marker = 0; foreach my $fk_group (sort keys %structure) { foreach my $fk_table (sort keys %{$structure{$fk_group}}) { foreach my $fk_column (sort keys %{$structure{$fk_group}{$fk_table}{'COLUMN'}}) { if ($structure{$fk_group}{$fk_table}{'COLUMN'}{$fk_column}{'FK'} eq $table) { if ($fk_marker == 0) { print FH '

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

'; } print FH 'Index'; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH ' - StereoType '. $group .''; } } } print FH ''; print FH ''; } ##################################### sub write_uml_structure($structure) { sysopen(FH, $uml_outputfile, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, 0644) or die "Can't open $uml_outputfile: $!"; print FH ' #A4# '; my $id; my %tableids; foreach my $group (sort keys %structure) { print FH ' '; foreach my $table (sort keys %{$structure{$group}}) { $tableids{$table} = $id++; my $constraintlist = ""; foreach my $constraint (sort keys %{$structure{$group}{$table}{'CONSTRAINT'}}) { $constraintlist .= ' ## ## '; } my $columnlist = ""; foreach my $column (sort keys %{$structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}}) { my $currentcolumn; if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'PRIMARY KEY'} == 1) { $currentcolumn .= "PK "; } else { $currentcolumn .= " "; } if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} eq '') { $currentcolumn .= " "; } else { $currentcolumn .= "FK "; } $currentcolumn .= "$column"; # if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} ne '') { # $currentcolumn .= " -> ". $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'}; # } $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'TYPE'} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $columnlist .= ' #'. $currentcolumn .'# '; if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'DEFAULT'} eq '') { $columnlist .= ' '; } else { $columnlist .= ' '; } $columnlist .= ' '; } print FH ' #'. $table .'# '; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH '#«'. $group .'»#'; } print FH ' '. $columnlist .''; if ($constraintlist eq '') { print FH ' '; } else { print FH ' '. $constraintlist .' '; } print FH ' '; } print FH ' '; } foreach my $group (sort keys %structure) { foreach my $table (sort keys %{$structure{$group}}) { foreach my $column (sort keys %{$structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}}) { if ($structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} ne '') { print FH ' #'. $column .'# '; if ($group ne $default_group) { print FH '#«'. $structure{$group}{$table}{'COLUMN'}{$column}{'FK'} .'»#'; } print FH ' '; } } } } print FH ' '; } sub usage { print < Specify database name to connect to (default: $database) -f Specify UML (dia) output file (default: $uml_outputfile) -F Specify index (HTML) output file (default: $index_outputfile) -h Specify database server host (default: localhost) -p Specify database server port (default: 5432) -u Specify database username (default: $dbuser) --password= Specify database password (default: blank) --no-index Do NOT generate HTML index --no-uml Do NOT generate XML dia file -s Converts columns of int4 type with a sequence by default to SERIAL type -S Ignores SERIAL type entirely. (No conversions). USAGE ; exit 0; }