Hi and thanks for answer,

Nope.  The problem is suggested, if not exactly clearly explained,
by the error message: casting a literal to ddate isn't a guaranteed
fixed process. 

Wasn't clear enought to me.

For example, suppose you created this table and then

alter domain ddate add check (value > '2020-01-01');

thereby rendering the partition bound values illegal for the domain.
What would you expect to happen then?

Not sure. Maybe check constraint error when insert/update a row?!?! I think this should happen before new record to be routed to the correct partition (in this case there is no partition created to this interval).

We might at some point work out plausible semantics for this situation,
but it hasn't been done yet.

regards, tom lane 

Ok to me. I'll use date instead of domain.

Thank you so much Tom.