Has anyone encountered a problem where a delete sql statement works (no parser errors) but always returns a "DELETE 0" value, even when I'm sure the record I'm selecting for delete is in the table?  I have also tried deleting the same record by specifying a different field value, with the same results, as well as trying all of this with multiple records in the same table.  None of the records will delete. I've copied the table, the select statement showing the record I want to delete in that table, and the delete statement itself.  I'm currently using postgres-sql 7.1 rc2. (I know, I know...but it's a development server.) Thanks!


DELETE FROM ec_gift_certificates WHERE gift_certificate_id = 9;

SELECT gift_certificate_id FROM ec_gift_certificates WHERE gift_certificate_id = 9;

(1 row)

\d ec_gift_certificates
                  Table "ec_gift_certificates"
       Attribute        |           Type           |  Modifier  
 gift_certificate_id    | integer                  | not null
 gift_certificate_state | character varying(50)    | not null
 amount                 | numeric(30,6)            | not null
 amount_remaining_p     | character(1)             | default 't'
 issue_date             | timestamp with time zone |
 authorized_date        | timestamp with time zone |
 claimed_date           | timestamp with time zone |
 issued_by              | integer                  |
 purchased_by           | integer                  |
 expires                | timestamp with time zone |
 user_id                | integer                  |
 claim_check            | character varying(50)    |
 certificate_message    | character varying(200)   |
 certificate_to         | character varying(100)   |
 certificate_from       | character varying(100)   |
 recipient_email        | character varying(100)   |
 voided_date            | timestamp with time zone |
 voided_by              | integer                  |
 reason_for_void        | character varying(4000)  |
 last_modified          | timestamp with time zone | not null
 last_modifying_user    | integer                  | not null
 modified_ip_address    | character varying(20)    | not null
Indices: ec_gc_by_amount_remaining,
Constraints: ((amount_remaining_p = 'f'::bpchar) OR (amount_remaining_p = 't'::bpchar))
             ((user_id NOTNULL) OR (claim_check NOTNULL))

Tara Cooper
Payment Alliance, Inc.