README for the PostgreSQL lastchange module =========================================== Revision: 0.2 Date: 2001-02-15 This file and all others provided as part of this package are distributed under the same terms as PostgreSQL itself. See for details. You can contact the author (Richard Huxton) at As usual, this code comes with no warranty whatsoever - use it at your own risk. See the licence for details. Provides ======== A way of creating an auto-timestamp on an existing column with a type of "timestamp". Whenever a row in that table is modified, the timestamp is updated accordingly. Requirements ============ You need PostgreSQL v7.1 You need to have run "createlang plpgsql " to provide plpgsql support Manifest ======== lastchange-install.sql - creates module functions lastchange-remove.sql - removes module functions lastchange-README.txt - this file lastchange-tutorial.txt - describes how/why the module works Summary ======= You can add the relevant triggers using a single function call: select lastchg_addto(,); You can remove the triggers with: select lastchg_remove(,); Bugs/Issues =========== You may experience problems if you already have triggers on the specified column - this is intended to be a quick solution for newbies. At present there is no support for a separate "creation" timestamp which is set on insert. This can be done by setting a DEFAULT value on the column and not modifying it. Usage ===== -- -- Start by creating our table -- richardh=> create table foo (a serial, b text, c timestamp); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'foo_a_seq' for SERIAL column 'foo.a' NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index 'foo_a_key' for table 'foo' CREATE -- -- Now import the lastchg module (you might want to use the full path) -- richardh=> \i lastchange-install.sql CREATE CREATE -- -- Create insert/update trigger -- richardh=> select lastchg_addto('foo','c'); lastchg_addto ------------------------- Created lastchg trigger (1 row) -- -- Insert some data -- richardh=> insert into foo (b) values ('aaa'); INSERT 217867 1 richardh=> insert into foo (b) values ('bbb'); INSERT 217868 1 richardh=> insert into foo (b) values ('ccc'); INSERT 217869 1 richardh=> select * from foo; a | b | c ---+-----+------------------------ 1 | aaa | 2001-02-08 09:33:35+00 2 | bbb | 2001-02-08 09:33:38+00 3 | ccc | 2001-02-08 09:33:40+00 (3 rows) -- -- Update some data -- richardh=> update foo set b='xxx'; UPDATE 3 richardh=> select * from foo; a | b | c ---+-----+------------------------ 1 | xxx | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 2 | xxx | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 3 | xxx | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 (3 rows) -- -- Remove the triggers -- richardh=> select lastchg_remove('foo','c'); lastchg_remove ------------------------- Removed lastchg trigger (1 row) -- -- Timestamp shouldn't update now -- richardh=> update foo set b='yyy'; UPDATE 3 richardh=> select * from foo; a | b | c ---+-----+------------------------ 1 | yyy | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 2 | yyy | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 3 | yyy | 2001-02-08 09:34:41+00 (3 rows)