I'm very very sorry for my rude words. I do understand and truelly appreciate continues availability of the list. I know (from my own experence) it takes signifficant effort to maintain.

Nonetheless, I do stand by opinion, that it would annoy less if the infant state of the new list servar was babysitted for a while.



21.11.2017 8:19 AM Craig Ringer <craig@2ndquadrant.com> napisał(a):
On 21 November 2017 at 15:17, Rafal Pietrak <rafal@ztk-rp.eu> wrote:
Hi all,

Have anyone noticed, that last couple of days on the list, can become a
nice example of HOWTO turn the best list on the planet into a nightmare?

Pls forgive rudeness, but IMHO, whoever made the "upgrade" should
manually take all the "unsubscribe" messages from archive and do that
"unsubscription" by hand .... instead of giving not always helpfull

The list used to have a filter that blocked messages with "unsubscribe" in the subject or forced them into moderation the moderation queue. 

I thought that'd be preserved with the PgLister migration. 

But really, a nightmare? Yeah, it's a pain, but I think that's laying it on a bit strong. Personally I appreciate the hard and usually thankless work the infrastructure and admin team do.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services