Hi !
#pragma    pack(push, 1)
/* Decsriptor of the PG Array single element = longword prefixed data block    */
typedef    struct __pg_data_dsc__ {
    unsigned    length;
    unsigned char    data[0];
/* Descriptor of the PG Array in the binary form, as it is returned by PGgetvalue*/
typedef    struct __pg_array_dsc__ {
    unsigned    ndim;    /* N Dimensions    */
    unsigned    undef;
    Oid        type;    /* OID of the elements            */
    unsigned    asize;    /* Array size - number of elements    */
    unsigned    undef2;
                /* A place holder of the first element    */
    PG_DATA_DSC    elm[0];
#pragma    pack(pop)
    p_arr = PQgetvalue(res, ...);
    p_arr->asize = ntohl(p_arr->asize);
    p_arr->ndim = ntohl(p_arr->ndim);
    p_arr->type = ntohl(p_arr->type);
p_elem = p_arr->elm;
30.10.2017, 13:20, "Ruslan R. Laishev" <zator@yandex.ru>:
Hi All!
Can someone point me to a structure which has been described a form of array?
I can get a pointer to some area with PQgetvalue but I'm need to retrieve every element from the array.
С уважением,
Ruslan R. Laishev
OpenVMS bigot, natural born system/network progger, C contractor.
С уважением,
Ruslan R. Laishev
OpenVMS bigot, natural born system/network progger, C contractor.