At the Mississippi State Supreme Court, we just recently finished up our migration from Informix to PostgreSQL.

I was writing a pub on how to convert to Postgres primarily aimed at the Informix to Postgres move,
but it was generic enough to be used on other databases.

My conversion also used several Python programs to manage parsing the SCHEMA dumps and creating the
necessary setup sql for tables, primary keys, secondary keyes, foreign keyes as well as Functions.

However, informix's triggers WERE a big pain, and I basically had to review each and do them by hand.
BUT I did document the differences in the pub I was doing.

All's I need is somewhere submit this publication for reference by others (I've released it under the creative commons).

Any suggestions?

It might help in what you are doing.

Ben Duncan - Business Network Solutions, Inc. 336 Elton Road Jackson MS, 39212
"Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"
- Hanlon's Razor

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ADMIN] Migrate from Oracle 12g to PostgreSQL 9.3
From: "Gust, Thorsten" <>
Date: Wed, October 25, 2017 8:19 am
To: "" <>

Hi All,
I’m looking for a solution regarding migrate a user from Oracle DB to PostgreSQL  having the same permissions, Tablespace Quota, Table Privileges, Roles and so on afterwards.
Any help would be much appreciated!!
Thanks in advance and bets regards
Thorsten Gust
IT-System Management
SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG 
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20457 Hamburg 
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