Hi All!
I'd like to use a pool of connections in multi-threaded environment, so:
1. I created a pool of N-connection by calling PQconnectdb().
2. Do I'm need to calling PQprepare() for the every sql_query for the every connection from the pool ?
#define POOLSZ 3
PGconn pool[POOLSZ];
#define QUERYSZ 2
const char SQL_Qry_name [QUERYSZ][32] = { {"add_pdp11"}, {"add_mvax2"} };
const char SQL_Qry_expr [QUERYSZ][128] = { {"select add_pdp11($1, $1, $3);"}, {"select add_mvax2($1, $1, $3, $4, $5);" } };
/* Create connections pool ... */
for (i = 0; i < POOLSZ; i++)
pool[i] = PGconnectdb(...);
/* Prepare every SQL expression in the every session */
for (i = 0; i < POOLSZ; i++)
for (j = 0; j < QUERYSZ; i++)
PQrepare(SQL_Qry_name[j], SQL_Qry_expr[j], ...);
So, do I running in the right direction ?
С уважением,
Ruslan R. Laishev
OpenVMS bigot, natural born system/network progger, C contractor.