I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3.2
I'm running the command:

psql -h testserver -U ronb -f backup.sql  -q -d foldertest  2>error.txt >output.txt

This should generate my database in foldertest

However this doesn't work. It's unable to create schemas

in the error.txt i see "permission denied for database foldertest".

I know this is not an access permission issue because there is a public schema which is buildin and it does create the tables/data in there.

It just cant create new schemas.


The intresting thing is that if I do:

psql -h testserver -U postgres -f backup.sql  -q -d foldertest  2>error.txt >output.txt


Everything works. It create all schemas and generate the database correctly.

I don't see any diffrent in the hba.conf between postgres and ronb users.

What can be the problem?