We Archlinux people are special. We always have the latest "bleeding-edge" packages, but with them also the latest errors in our packages.

There was a time when pgAdmin4 version 1.1 ran in my environment. pgAdmin4 is not (yet?) in the official Archlinux repository, so I have to build it from the source. No problem, I take the wsgi version behind apache (apache Archlinux version 2.4.25-1). And yes, to be sure, I rebuilt it just before writing this post.

For several weeks now, pgAdmin4 does not run, or, more precisely, it simply hangs in the startup or splash screen (see attached file). Don't ask me what Archlinux packages have changed since then, I know that pgAdmin4 has not changed, but in any case, several, if not many python packages have changed.

The pgadmin4.log has an endless number of pages with "Examining potential module: ..." and some lines with "Registering blueprint module: ...". Otherwise nothing with "error" or so.

In the pgAdmin mailing lists of the last couple of months I see nothing like this, but that may be due to the use of Archlinux.

So, I'm not pointing at pgAdmin4, but would anyone have any suggestions about what is going on, or what I must do to locate the problem?

Kind regards,
Andre Hasekamp.