I am attempting to setup a small postgresql database on a beaglebone black.  The application is slow so I am storing the database on a 64GB microsd card.  I formatted the drive, mounted it all correctly.

I logged in as postgres

sudo su postgres

# create the database cluster

./initdb /data   # the mountpoint is /data

# It all seemed to work correctly.  I can

./postgres -D /data and the cluster seems to start correctly.

I want the database to start in init.d so I edited the three lines in /etc/postgresql/9.1/postgresql.conf and pointed the three entries to /data.  When I start the machine the database fails with the following in the log file

autovacuum launcher started

database system is ready

incomplete startup packet

received smart shutdown request

autovacuum launcher shutting down

database system is shutdown

I have obviously missed something, any pointer to where to find what I missed would be appreciated.