cvs -z9 diff (in directory C:\frank\progetti\opensource\pgadmin2\pgschema\) cvs diff: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password ? pgSchema.vbw ? test/pgSchema-Test.vbw cvs server: Diffing . Index: Checks.cls =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/Checks.cls,v retrieving revision 1.19 diff -r1.19 Checks.cls 286c286 < objServer.ExecSQL szSQL, objServer.Connection --- > objServer.ExecSQL szSQL, cnDatabase Index: ForeignKeys.cls =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/ForeignKeys.cls,v retrieving revision 1.21 diff -r1.21 ForeignKeys.cls 193c193 < objNewMember.OID = dOID --- > objNewMember.Oid = dOID 242a243,307 > > Public Function Add(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Definition As String) As pgForeignKey > Attribute Add.VB_Description = "Add a new Foreign Keys." > If inIDE Then: On Error GoTo 0: Else: On Error GoTo Err_Handler > objServer.iLogEvent "Entering " & App.Title & ":ForeignKeys.Add(" & QUOTE & Name & QUOTE & "," & QUOTE & Definition & QUOTE & ")", etFullDebug > > Dim rs As New Recordset > Dim szSQL As String > Dim X As Long > Dim szArgs As String > > 'Generate the szSQL query to create the new object and execute > If objVersion.VersionNum < 7.3 Then Exit Function > > szSQL = "ALTER TABLE " & fmtID(szNamespace) & "." & fmtID(szTable) > szSQL = szSQL & " ADD CONSTRAINT " & fmtID(Name) > szSQL = szSQL & Definition > objServer.ExecSQL szSQL, cnDatabase > > 'Generate and execute the szSQL to retrieve *all* properties of the new object > Set rs = objServer.ExecSQL(SQL_GET_FOREIGN_KEYS & " AND tgrelid = " & dTableOID & "::oid AND tgconstrname = '" & dbSZ(Name) & "'", cnDatabase) > If Not rs.EOF Then > szArgs = "" > For X = 0 To rs.Fields("tgargs").ActualSize - 1 > szArgs = szArgs & Chr(rs!tgargs(X)) > Next X > Set Add = iAdd(rs.Fields("oid"), rs!tgconstrname & "", rs!tgnargs & "", szArgs, ToBool(rs!tgdeferrable), ToBool(rs!tginitdeferred)) > End If > > 'Cleanup > If rs.State <> adStateClosed Then rs.Close > Set rs = Nothing > > Exit Function > Err_Handler: > If rs.State <> adStateClosed Then rs.Close > Set rs = Nothing > objServer.iLogError Err.Number, Err.Description > > End Function > > 'Remove the specified Item > Public Sub Remove(ByVal Key As String) > Attribute Remove.VB_Description = "Remove the specified Foreign Keys object." > If inIDE Then: On Error GoTo 0: Else: On Error GoTo Err_Handler > objServer.iLogEvent "Entering " & App.Title & ":ForeignKeys.Remove(" & QUOTE & Key & QUOTE & ")", etFullDebug > > Dim szSQL As String > > If objVersion.VersionNum < 7.3 Then Exit Sub > > 'Generate/Execute SQL to drop the ForeignKeys. > szSQL = "ALTER TABLE " & fmtID(szNamespace) & "." & fmtID(szTable) & " DROP CONSTRAINT " & mCol(ULEncode(Key)).FormattedID & " RESTRICT" > objServer.ExecSQL szSQL, cnDatabase > > 'If we get this far, then we can't have errored, > 'so remove the object from the collection. > mCol.Remove ULEncode(Key) > > Exit Sub > Err_Handler: > 'Error 5 is thrown if the item is not in the collection... > If Err.Number = 5 Then Exit Sub > objServer.iLogError Err.Number, Err.Description > End Sub Index: Tables.cls =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/Tables.cls,v retrieving revision 1.24 diff -r1.24 Tables.cls 165c165 < objNewMember.OID = dOID --- > objNewMember.Oid = dOID Index: pgSchema.vbp =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/pgSchema.vbp,v retrieving revision 1.146 diff -r1.146 pgSchema.vbp 2,3c2,3 < Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation < Reference=*\G{00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.5#0#..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msado25.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library --- > Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\System32\Stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation > Reference=*\G{00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.5#0#..\..\..\..\..\Programmi\File comuni\system\ado\msado25.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library 72c72 < RevisionVer=43 --- > RevisionVer=52 cvs server: Diffing test Index: test/pgSchema-Test.vbp =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/test/pgSchema-Test.vbp,v retrieving revision 1.18 diff -r1.18 pgSchema-Test.vbp 2c2 < Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation --- > Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\System32\Stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation 4c4 < Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0; mscomctl.ocx --- > Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX Index: test/pgSchema.vbg =================================================================== RCS file: /disk1/cvsroot/pgschema/test/pgSchema.vbg,v retrieving revision 1.8 diff -r1.8 pgSchema.vbg 2,3c2,3 < StartupProject=..\pgSchema.vbp < Project=pgSchema-Test.vbp --- > Project=..\pgSchema.vbp > StartupProject=pgSchema-Test.vbp ***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****