# To display the perf.data header info, please use --header/--header-only options. # # Samples: 144K of event 'cpu-clock' # Event count (approx.): 36085250000 # # Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol # ........ ........ ................. ............................................. # 60.21% postgres postgres [.] LockReassignCurrentOwner 34.43% postgres postgres [.] hash_seq_search 0.50% postgres postgres [.] SearchCatCache 0.50% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore 0.19% postgres postgres [.] base_yyparse 0.13% postgres postgres [.] hash_search_with_hash_value 0.11% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strcmp_sse2 0.09% postgres postgres [.] core_yylex 0.08% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __do_page_fault 0.06% postgres postgres [.] _bt_compare 0.06% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] handle_mm_fault 0.06% postgres postgres [.] ScanKeywordLookup 0.05% postgres postgres [.] _bt_checkkeys 0.05% postgres postgres [.] FunctionCall2Coll 0.05% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned 0.05% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ptrace_stop 0.05% postgres postgres [.] nocachegetattr 0.05% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextAlloc 0.04% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] run_timer_softirq 0.04% postgres postgres [.] expression_tree_walker 0.03% postgres postgres [.] lappend 0.03% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] change_protection_range 0.03% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _int_malloc 0.03% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] strlen 0.03% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335574 0.03% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] _raw_read_lock 0.03% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __memcpy_sse2_unaligned 0.03% postgres postgres [.] deconstruct_array 0.02% postgres postgres [.] expression_tree_mutator 0.02% postgres postgres [.] LWLockAcquire 0.02% postgres postgres [.] heap_hot_search_buffer 0.02% postgres postgres [.] DirectFunctionCall1Coll 0.02% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __do_softirq 0.02% postgres postgres [.] PostgresMain 0.02% postgres postgres [.] check_stack_depth 0.02% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] do_notify_parent_cldstop 0.02% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_set_pte_at 0.02% postgres postgres [.] get_relation_info 0.02% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335823 0.02% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _int_free 0.02% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000234fbe 0.02% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355d3 0.02% postgres postgres [.] _bt_checkpage 0.02% postgres postgres [.] heap_getsysattr 0.02% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] _raw_spin_lock 0.02% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __memcmp_sse2 0.02% postgres postgres [.] SearchCatCacheList 0.02% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] copy_page_rep 0.02% postgres postgres [.] SearchSysCache 0.02% postgres postgres [.] hash_any 0.02% postgres postgres [.] list_copy 0.02% postgres postgres [.] pgstat_initstats 0.01% postgres postgres [.] copyObject 0.01% postgres postgres [.] hash_uint32 0.01% postgres postgres [.] pfree 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d7e0 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355a4 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] copy_user_generic_string 0.01% postgres postgres [.] GetDefaultOpClass 0.01% postgres postgres [.] _bt_moveright 0.01% postgres postgres [.] add_path 0.01% postgres postgres [.] equal 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] schedule 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] vfprintf 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitExpr 0.01% postgres postgres [.] FuncnameGetCandidates 0.01% postgres postgres [.] LWLockRelease 0.01% postgres postgres [.] _bt_getroot 0.01% postgres postgres [.] hashoid 0.01% postgres postgres [.] transformExpr 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335563 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355f9 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] bnx2_poll_work 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335548 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strncpy_sse2 0.01% postgres libm-2.19.so [.] __ieee754_log_sse2 0.01% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextAllocZero 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ReleaseCatCache 0.01% postgres postgres [.] add_paths_to_joinrel 0.01% postgres postgres [.] initial_cost_mergejoin 0.01% postgres postgres [.] list_nth 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c372 0.01% postgres postgres [.] LockBuffer 0.01% postgres postgres [.] _start 0.01% postgres postgres [.] exprType 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355ec 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __sigsetjmp 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] memset 0.01% postgres postgres [.] lcons 0.01% postgres postgres [.] subquery_planner 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000234fd1 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335542 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033554d 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __audit_syscall_exit 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kfree 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unix_stream_recvmsg 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerEnlargeCatCacheRefs 0.01% postgres postgres [.] _bt_first 0.01% postgres postgres [.] examine_variable 0.01% postgres postgres [.] get_eclass_for_sort_expr 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335540 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335731 0.01% postgres postgres [.] LockAcquireExtended 0.01% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextCreate 0.01% postgres postgres [.] RelationIncrementReferenceCount 0.01% postgres postgres [.] btcostestimate 0.01% postgres postgres [.] expandRTE 0.01% postgres postgres [.] hash_search 0.01% postgres postgres [.] heap_page_prune_opt 0.01% postgres postgres [.] pg_encoding_mbcliplen 0.01% postgres postgres [.] smgrnblocks 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033556c 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033557c 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355ad 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vmacache_find 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ExecBuildProjectionInfo 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ExecIndexBuildScanKeys 0.01% postgres postgres [.] TupleDescInitEntry 0.01% postgres postgres [.] bms_overlap 0.01% postgres postgres [.] create_index_paths 0.01% postgres postgres [.] downcase_truncate_identifier 0.01% postgres postgres [.] oideq 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033581f 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033582e 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __audit_syscall_entry 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ext4_llseek 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kmem_cache_free 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] free 0.01% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] malloc 0.01% postgres postgres [.] PortalStart 0.01% postgres postgres [.] add_path_precheck 0.01% postgres postgres [.] base_yylex 0.01% postgres postgres [.] bms_is_subset 0.01% postgres postgres [.] clause_selectivity 0.01% postgres postgres [.] exprTypmod 0.01% postgres postgres [.] generate_join_implied_equalities 0.01% postgres postgres [.] relation_open 0.01% postgres postgres [.] secure_read 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355df 0.01% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_ack 0.01% postgres postgres [.] DLMoveToFront 0.01% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitNode 0.01% postgres postgres [.] _bt_preprocess_keys 0.01% postgres postgres [.] compare_pathkeys 0.01% postgres postgres [.] list_concat 0.01% postgres postgres [.] transformStmt 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000244e35 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335728 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033572a 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033583a 0.01% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033583e 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __fget_light 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] page_cpupid_xchg_last 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] rebalance_domains 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sock_alloc_send_pskb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unix_stream_sendmsg 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] wait_for_unix_gc 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strcpy_sse2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FileSeek 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ParseFuncOrColumn 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PortalDrop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationGetIndexExpressions 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetCatCacheRef 0.00% postgres postgres [.] btoidcmp 0.00% postgres postgres [.] final_cost_mergejoin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_pages_fetched 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_verify_mbstr_len 0.00% postgres postgres [.] process_equivalence 0.00% postgres postgres [.] scanRTEForColumn 0.00% postgres postgres [.] systable_beginscan 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kmem_cache_alloc_node_trace 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] syscall_trace_enter 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] task_numa_fault 0.00% postgres [vdso] [.] __vdso_gettimeofday 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strncmp_sse2 0.00% postgres libm-2.19.so [.] __rint_c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CreateExecutorState 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecChooseHashTableSize 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecClearTuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RangeVarGetRelidExtended 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReadBufferExtended 0.00% postgres postgres [.] add_vars_to_targetlist 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_is_empty 0.00% postgres postgres [.] build_simple_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] canonicalize_ec_expression 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_index 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_qual_eval 0.00% postgres postgres [.] eqjoinsel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] estimate_rel_size 0.00% postgres postgres [.] exprCollation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] exprLocation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_leftop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_fill_tuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_endscan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_fetch_heap 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_getnext_tid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] mcv_selectivity 0.00% postgres postgres [.] mergejoinscansel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pgstat_report_activity 0.00% postgres postgres [.] query_planner 0.00% postgres postgres [.] relation_close 0.00% postgres postgres [.] secure_write 0.00% postgres postgres [.] set_config_option 0.00% postgres postgres [.] superuser_arg 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335554 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335577 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355a8 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] SYSC_sendto 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __fdget_pos 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __mem_cgroup_count_vm_event 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] get_page_from_freelist 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] get_vma_policy 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ksize 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mpol_misplaced 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] should_numa_migrate_memory 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] up_read 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _IO_default_xsputn 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] malloc_consolidate 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CommitTransactionCommand 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] LockRelationOid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] LockRelease 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationGetIndexList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerRememberCatCacheRef 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_search 0.00% postgres postgres [.] addRangeTableEntry 0.00% postgres postgres [.] appendBinaryStringInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_is_member 0.00% postgres postgres [.] coerce_type 0.00% postgres postgres [.] enlargeStringInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] eqsel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] errstart 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_attstatsslot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_mergejoin_opfamilies 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_variable_numdistinct 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_client_to_server 0.00% postgres postgres [.] quote_identifier 0.00% postgres postgres [.] scalararraysel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] standard_ExecutorStart 0.00% postgres postgres [.] strcmp@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] transformTargetEntry 0.00% postgres postgres [.] truncate_useless_pathkeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbae0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efff5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002355aa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335452 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335521 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335842 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __alloc_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __wake_up_bit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] dev_gro_receive 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ip_finish_output 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_copy_datagram_iovec 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tracesys 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strchrnul 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strdup 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __vsnprintf_chk 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] strrchr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecProject 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecStoreTuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextReset 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationIdGetRelation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetRelationRef 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SIGetDataEntries 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_preprocess_array_keys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] add_base_rels_to_query 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_add_member 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_add_members 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_copy 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_equal 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_make_singleton 0.00% postgres postgres [.] boolin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] compare_path_costs 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_material 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_sort 0.00% postgres postgres [.] create_nestloop_path 0.00% postgres postgres [.] expand_indexqual_conditions 0.00% postgres postgres [.] final_cost_nestloop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] find_mergeclauses_for_pathkeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_tablespace_page_costs 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_rescan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_copy_tail 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeVar 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_join_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_one_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] mdnblocks 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_utf_mblen 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_flush 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_getbytes 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_putmessage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] query_or_expression_tree_walker 0.00% postgres postgres [.] query_tree_mutator 0.00% postgres postgres [.] refnameRangeTblEntry 0.00% postgres postgres [.] set_cheapest 0.00% postgres postgres [.] set_plan_references 0.00% postgres postgres [.] slot_getattr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] transformSortClause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb05 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb18 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f58c1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002319e4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003062c8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000322696 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000032aa0b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000032aa79 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335569 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355aa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335832 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335844 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __radix_tree_lookup 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __schedule 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] _copy_from_user 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] dql_completed 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] find_vma 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] finish_task_switch 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] free_hot_cold_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] generic_file_llseek_size 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] map_id_up 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] put_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] rcu_note_context_switch 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] retint_careful 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] run_rebalance_domains 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] schedule_timeout 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] scsi_request_fn 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] security_socket_sendmsg 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_copy_datagram_from_iovec 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_release_data 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sock_def_readable 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sock_wfree 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sys_lseek 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] system_call_after_swapgs 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] task_active_pid_ns 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_established_options 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __GI___libc_lseek64 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __isnan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] AllocSetContextCreate 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ArrayGetNItems 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CreateCommandTag 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CreatePortal 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecCheckRTPerms 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FormIndexDatum 0.00% postgres postgres [.] GetTransactionSnapshot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] HeapTupleSatisfiesNow 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MakeTupleTableSlot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextDelete 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PortalCleanup 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PortalRun 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReleaseAndReadBuffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReleaseResources_hash 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerCreate 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetCatCacheListRef 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetTupleDesc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SPI_push_conditional 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SplitIdentifierString 0.00% postgres postgres [.] StrategyGetBuffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_binsrch 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_next 0.00% postgres postgres [.] and_clause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_union 0.00% postgres postgres [.] build_index_pathkeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] clauselist_selectivity 0.00% postgres postgres [.] core_yy_switch_to_buffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] core_yylex_init 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_bitmap_heap_scan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_bitmap_tree_node 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_seqscan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] enforce_generic_type_consistency 0.00% postgres postgres [.] fmgr_info_copy 0.00% postgres postgres [.] func_get_detail 0.00% postgres postgres [.] generate_base_implied_equalities 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_ordering_op_properties 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_rightop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_getprocinfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] initial_cost_nestloop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] join_search_one_level 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_const 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_scalar_array_op 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_var 0.00% postgres postgres [.] memcpy@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] oid_hash 0.00% postgres postgres [.] or_clause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_qsort 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_beginmessage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_getbyte 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_getmessage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] range_table_mutator 0.00% postgres postgres [.] range_table_walker 0.00% postgres postgres [.] relation_excluded_by_constraints 0.00% postgres postgres [.] remove_useless_joins 0.00% postgres postgres [.] select_outer_pathkeys_for_merge 0.00% postgres postgres [.] set_opfuncid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] strlcpy 0.00% postgres postgres [.] systable_getnext 0.00% postgres postgres [.] tag_hash 0.00% postgres postgres [.] transformFromClause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] transformTargetList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f017 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f212 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000908bc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010dcc6 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c36e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b66d2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba34 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb71 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbbc2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e21c2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efe9d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f0062 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8869 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f9ed2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020ad22 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003062cb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003354e4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335506 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003357f9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335836 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000339aa2 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __fsnotify_parent 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __kmalloc_node_track_caller 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __mem_cgroup_uncharge_common 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __netif_receive_skb_core 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] _raw_spin_lock_irqsave 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] aa_revalidate_sk 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] current_kernel_time 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] down_read_trylock 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] flush_tlb_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ip_queue_xmit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ipv4_mtu 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] jiffies_to_clock_t 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kfree_skbmem 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kmem_cache_alloc_node 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mem_cgroup_charge_statistics.isra.30 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mptsas_qcmd 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] napi_complete 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] net_rx_action 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] page_remove_rmap 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] policy_zonelist 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ptrace_notify 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] rmap_walk 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sch_direct_xmit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] security_sock_rcv_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_gro_reset_offset 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_queue_tail 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_release_head_state 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sock_sendmsg 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sockfd_lookup_light 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] syscall_trace_leave 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_nagle_check 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_rcv_established 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_transmit_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_v4_do_rcv 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tracehook_report_syscall_exit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unix_destruct_scm 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unix_scm_to_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unix_write_space 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _IO_str_init_static_internal 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __GI_____strtoull_l_internal 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __GI___mempcpy 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __ctype_b_loc 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __libc_recv 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __memmove_sse2 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __sprintf_chk 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __strchr_sse2 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _wordcopy_fwd_aligned 0.00% postgres postgres [.] AcceptInvalidationMessages 0.00% postgres postgres [.] BufferGetBlockNumber 0.00% postgres postgres [.] DLAddHead 0.00% postgres postgres [.] DisableNotifyInterrupt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] EnableCatchupInterrupt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] EnableNotifyInterrupt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecAssignProjectionInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitIndexScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitSeqScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecNestLoop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecProcNode 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecReScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecReScanIndexScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FreeExecutorState 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FunctionCall1Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FunctionCall3Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] GetDatabaseEncoding 0.00% postgres postgres [.] GetPortalByName 0.00% postgres postgres [.] GetSysCacheOid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] GetUserId 0.00% postgres postgres [.] HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IsAbortedTransactionBlockState 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IsBinaryCoercible 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IsSharedRelation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock 0.00% postgres postgres [.] LookupExplicitNamespace 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MakeSingleTupleTableSlot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextDeleteChildren 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextStrdup 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PredicateLockPage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RTERangeTablePosn 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationClose 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationGetIndexScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReleaseBuffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReleaseSysCache 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerRelease 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SS_finalize_plan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SearchSysCacheExists 0.00% postgres postgres [.] StartTransactionCommand 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SysCacheGetAttr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] TransactionStartedDuringRecovery 0.00% postgres postgres [.] UnlockRelationId 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_freestack 0.00% postgres postgres [.] _bt_get_endpoint 0.00% postgres postgres [.] appendStringInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] assign_list_collations 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_singleton_member 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_subset_compare 0.00% postgres postgres [.] build_physical_tlist 0.00% postgres postgres [.] can_coerce_type 0.00% postgres postgres [.] canonicalize_qual 0.00% postgres postgres [.] chareq 0.00% postgres postgres [.] checkNameSpaceConflicts 0.00% postgres postgres [.] check_generic_type_consistency 0.00% postgres postgres [.] coerce_to_boolean 0.00% postgres postgres [.] construct_md_array 0.00% postgres postgres [.] create_tidscan_paths 0.00% postgres postgres [.] datumCopy 0.00% postgres postgres [.] eclass_member_matches_indexcol 0.00% postgres postgres [.] exprSetCollation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] extract_actual_clauses 0.00% postgres postgres [.] find_base_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] find_join_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] fmgr_info 0.00% postgres postgres [.] generate_implied_equalities_for_indexcol 0.00% postgres postgres [.] getBaseTypeAndTypmod 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_attavgwidth 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_baserel_parampathinfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_func_cost 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_hash_value 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_opcode 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_rte_attribute_type 0.00% postgres postgres [.] has_unique_index 0.00% postgres postgres [.] hash_seq_init 0.00% postgres postgres [.] have_join_order_restriction 0.00% postgres postgres [.] have_relevant_joinclause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_attisnull 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_tuple_untoast_attr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_can_return 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_getnext 0.00% postgres postgres [.] initStringInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] int2eq 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_append_unique_ptr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_intersection 0.00% postgres postgres [.] lookup_type_cache 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeAlias 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeConst 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeString 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeTargetEntry 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeTypeNameFromNameList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_inner_pathkeys_for_merge 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_op 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_restrictinfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] markVarForSelectPriv 0.00% postgres postgres [.] oidlt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] oper 0.00% postgres postgres [.] optimize_minmax_aggregates 0.00% postgres postgres [.] parse_analyze 0.00% postgres postgres [.] parse_sub_analyze 0.00% postgres postgres [.] parserOpenTable 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_database_encoding_max_length 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_detoast_datum_packed 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_itoa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_namespace_aclcheck 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_parse_query 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_plan_queries 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_server_to_client 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_verify_mbstr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pgstat_init_function_usage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] preprocess_targetlist 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pull_varnos 0.00% postgres postgres [.] raw_parser 0.00% postgres postgres [.] restriction_selectivity 0.00% postgres postgres [.] scalararraysel_containment 0.00% postgres postgres [.] set_ps_display 0.00% postgres postgres [.] truncate_identifier 0.00% postgres postgres [.] tuplesort_end 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000696c0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000088888 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f001 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f011 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f015 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f05f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f154 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000908b5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000f67d2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000109441 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c801 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c894 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112778 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112828 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112b1c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112bf3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000188ba2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000189505 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018f2ac 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b66dc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba5e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbaa7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbac2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb11 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb19 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001d9f62 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db542 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbc01 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e1902 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e213e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3831 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e8352 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e8394 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e9a37 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e9ad7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea405 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001edad5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001eec65 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efec1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f22d2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f23df 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d3e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6133 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f80d5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8b50 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f9dcb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fbdd2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fef44 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffd9c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200b9e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200c8e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000208010 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000208eb8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000208ecd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020a951 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020a964 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020aa0a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020ab91 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020ad51 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000231442 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000232252 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000234fe5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000023550a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000235755 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000235836 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000256ccd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000025a9c5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000026f312 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000026f3eb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002a9e52 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c0ea4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c15bb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c1f5a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c2c72 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c3468 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c35a4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c38c4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c6302 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002c6b69 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000306222 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000030622e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000306244 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003062a5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000030630a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d7c2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d7c9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d7cb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d7f1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000031d926 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000032bff3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003353b1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033541b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335512 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335561 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000003355af 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335782 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033583b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000335840 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000033719c 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __dev_queue_xmit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __kmalloc_reserve.isra.26 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __lru_cache_add 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __mem_cgroup_commit_charge 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __netdev_pick_tx 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __sk_dst_check 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] add_to_page_cache_lru 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] alloc_misplaced_dst_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] auditsys 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] blk_start_plug 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] blk_throtl_bio 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] bnx2_poll_msix 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] bnx2_start_xmit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] build_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] check_leaf.isra.8 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] clear_page_c 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] clear_page_dirty_for_io 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] consume_skb 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] copy_page_to_iter_iovec 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] dev_hard_start_xmit 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] do_notify_resume 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] dput 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] find_busiest_group 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] fsnotify 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] gart_map_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] gart_unmap_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] generic_exec_single 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] get_pfnblock_flags_mask 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] inet_gro_receive 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] int_check_syscall_exit_work 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ip_local_deliver 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ip_rcv 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] ip_rcv_finish 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] isolate_lru_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kmalloc_slab 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kmem_cache_alloc 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kobject_put 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] lookup_page_cgroup 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] maybe_add_creds 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mem_cgroup_charge_anon 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mem_cgroup_end_migration 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mem_cgroup_prepare_migration 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mem_cgroup_try_charge_mm 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] memcpy_fromiovecend 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] memcpy_toiovec 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] migrate_misplaced_page 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] migrate_page_move_mapping 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] migrate_pages 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mod_timer 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] msecs_to_jiffies 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] mutex_lock_interruptible 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] napi_gro_receive 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_read_tsc 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] next_zones_zonelist 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] note_gp_changes 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] put_pid 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] rcu_bh_qs 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] rcu_process_callbacks 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] scsi_handle_queue_ramp_up 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] scsi_softirq_done 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] security_socket_getpeersec_dgram 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sk_reset_timer 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] skb_free_head 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] sys_sendto 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] task_numa_find_cpu 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tasklet_action 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_check_space 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_gro_receive 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_options_write 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_parse_aligned_timestamp.part.36 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_prequeue 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_rearm_rto 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_schedule_loss_probe 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tcp_wfree 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] unroll_tree_refs 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] update_blocked_averages 0.00% postgres [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vm_normal_page 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _IO_no_init 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _IO_old_init 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _IO_setb 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __memcpy_sse2 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] __vsprintf_chk 0.00% postgres libc-2.19.so [.] _itoa_word 0.00% postgres libm-2.19.so [.] __ceil_c 0.00% postgres libm-2.19.so [.] __floor_c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] BufTableHashCode 0.00% postgres postgres [.] BufTableLookup 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CreateDestReceiver 0.00% postgres postgres [.] CreateTemplateTupleDesc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] DeconstructQualifiedName 0.00% postgres postgres [.] DisableCatchupInterrupt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecAssignScanType 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecContextForcesOids 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecCopySlotMinimalTuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecEvalExprSwitchContext 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecIndexScan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitNestLoop 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecInitResultTupleSlot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecMaterializesOutput 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecQual 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecSetSlotDescriptor 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecSort 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecStoreAllNullTuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecStoreVirtualTuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecTargetListLength 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecTypeFromTL 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecutorEnd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExecutorStart 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ExtractSetVariableArgs 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FetchPortalTargetList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FetchStatementTargetList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] Float8GetDatum 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FreeExprContext 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FunctionCall4Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] FunctionCall5Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IncrBufferRefCount 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IncrTupleDescRefCount 0.00% postgres postgres [.] IndexScanEnd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] InputFunctionCall 0.00% postgres postgres [.] LookupTypeName 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MarkPortalDone 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren 0.00% postgres postgres [.] MemoryContextSetParent 0.00% postgres postgres [.] OidFunctionCall5Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] OidFunctionCall7Coll 0.00% postgres postgres [.] OidInputFunctionCall 0.00% postgres postgres [.] OutputFunctionCall 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PageHeaderIsValid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PopActiveSnapshot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PortalDefineQuery 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PortalListGetPrimaryStmt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ProcessUtility 0.00% postgres postgres [.] PushActiveSnapshot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] QueryRewrite 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReadBuffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReadyForQuery 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RecoveryInProgress 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationDecrementReferenceCount 0.00% postgres postgres [.] RelationGetIndexPredicate 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerDelete 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerEnlargeCatCacheListRefs 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerEnlargeRelationRefs 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerForgetSnapshot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerNewParent 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ResourceOwnerRememberCatCacheListRef 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SS_process_sublinks 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ScanKeyEntryInitialize 0.00% postgres postgres [.] ScanKeyEntryInitializeWithInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SearchSysCacheList 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SendRowDescriptionMessage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SetRemoteDestReceiverParams 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SystemAttributeDefinition 0.00% postgres postgres [.] SystemTypeName 0.00% postgres postgres [.] TransactionIdPrecedes 0.00% postgres postgres [.] TupleDescInitEntryCollation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] TypeCategory 0.00% postgres postgres [.] addRangeTableEntryForJoin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] add_placeholders_to_base_rels 0.00% postgres postgres [.] analyze_requires_snapshot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] appendStringInfoChar 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_intersect 0.00% postgres postgres [.] bms_nonempty_difference 0.00% postgres postgres [.] btcanreturn 0.00% postgres postgres [.] btendscan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] btgettuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] btrescan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] build_join_rel 0.00% postgres postgres [.] calc_nestloop_required_outer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] coerce_to_target_type 0.00% postgres postgres [.] colNameToVar 0.00% postgres postgres [.] contain_volatile_functions 0.00% postgres postgres [.] core_yy_scan_buffer 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cost_subplan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] create_index_path 0.00% postgres postgres [.] create_or_index_quals 0.00% postgres postgres [.] create_seqscan_path 0.00% postgres postgres [.] cstring_to_text_with_len 0.00% postgres postgres [.] elog_finish 0.00% postgres postgres [.] eval_const_expressions 0.00% postgres postgres [.] expand_inherited_tables 0.00% postgres postgres [.] exprIsLengthCoercion 0.00% postgres postgres [.] expression_returns_set_rows 0.00% postgres postgres [.] find_forced_null_vars 0.00% postgres postgres [.] fix_placeholder_input_needed_levels 0.00% postgres postgres [.] free_attstatsslot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] generate_bitmap_or_paths 0.00% postgres postgres [.] getBaseType 0.00% postgres postgres [.] getTypeIOParam 0.00% postgres postgres [.] getTypeOutputInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_actual_clauses 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_attname 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_cheapest_fractional_path_for_pathkeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_constraint_index 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_element_type 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_join_variables 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_joinrel_parampathinfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_namespace_oid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_oprrest 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_parameterized_baserel_size 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_rel_name 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_rel_relkind 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_relid_attribute_name 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_relname_relid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_typbyval 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_typcollation 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_typlen 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_typlenbyval 0.00% postgres postgres [.] get_typstorage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] has_useful_pathkeys 0.00% postgres postgres [.] hashchar 0.00% postgres postgres [.] hashint2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] hashname 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_compute_data_size 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_copytuple_with_tuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_endscan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] heap_form_minimal_tuple 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_beginscan 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_close 0.00% postgres postgres [.] index_open 0.00% postgres postgres [.] initial_cost_hashjoin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] initialize_mergeclause_eclasses 0.00% postgres postgres [.] int2vectorout 0.00% postgres postgres [.] interpretInhOption 0.00% postgres postgres [.] isLockedRefname 0.00% postgres postgres [.] join_clause_is_movable_into 0.00% postgres postgres [.] join_clause_is_movable_to 0.00% postgres postgres [.] join_selectivity 0.00% postgres postgres [.] lappend_int 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_delete_cell 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_difference_ptr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_free 0.00% postgres postgres [.] list_member_oid 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeFromExpr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeRangeVar 0.00% postgres postgres [.] makeSimpleA_Expr 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_andclause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_fn_arguments 0.00% postgres postgres [.] make_parsestate 0.00% postgres postgres [.] malloc@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] markTargetListOrigins 0.00% postgres postgres [.] match_index_to_operand 0.00% postgres postgres [.] memmove@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] memset@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] nameeq 0.00% postgres postgres [.] nameout 0.00% postgres postgres [.] not_clause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] oidin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] op_hashjoinable 0.00% postgres postgres [.] op_input_types 0.00% postgres postgres [.] op_mergejoinable 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pathkeys_contained_in 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_analyze_and_rewrite 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_any_to_server 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_class_aclmask 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_detoast_datum 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_encoding_max_length 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_mbcliplen 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pg_namespace_aclmask 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_endmessage 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_getmsgstring 0.00% postgres postgres [.] pq_sendcountedtext 0.00% postgres postgres [.] prepare_for_client_read 0.00% postgres postgres [.] printtup_create_DR 0.00% postgres postgres [.] query_tree_walker 0.00% postgres postgres [.] quote_qualified_identifier 0.00% postgres postgres [.] reconsider_outer_join_clauses 0.00% postgres postgres [.] resetStringInfo 0.00% postgres postgres [.] setup_parser_errposition_callback 0.00% postgres postgres [.] setup_simple_rel_arrays 0.00% postgres postgres [.] standard_ProcessUtility 0.00% postgres postgres [.] standard_planner 0.00% postgres postgres [.] stringTypeDatum 0.00% postgres postgres [.] strlen@plt 0.00% postgres postgres [.] text_to_cstring 0.00% postgres postgres [.] textin 0.00% postgres postgres [.] transformGroupClause 0.00% postgres postgres [.] tuplesort_begin_heap 0.00% postgres postgres [.] tuplesort_gettupleslot 0.00% postgres postgres [.] typeidType 0.00% postgres postgres [.] update_mergeclause_eclasses 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000659a7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000065b9f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000069511 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000069748 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c0e8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c332 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c5b2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c5c1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c6b8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c84c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007c8c3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000007ca74 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000088881 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000888c9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f000 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f009 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f01e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f063 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f072 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f0c8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f123 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f14c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f15c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f1e3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f1f5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000008f70c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000909d0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000d9950 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000d9987 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000000f6721 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010952f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c810 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c814 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c81b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010c85a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010cc32 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010cc42 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010d172 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000010d961 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112594 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011259a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001125ad 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112606 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001126ec 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112782 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011284a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001128fd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000112904 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011aab4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c2c2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c351 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c472 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c54e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c56c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011c58a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011d00d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000011fc84 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000188263 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000188cc7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000189432 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000189443 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018950d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000189527 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018a032 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018ad32 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018afb4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018b230 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018b254 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018f271 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018f2c1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000018f2e8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000019fbdb 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001a1622 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b6407 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b640e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b65a2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b65b1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001b9f93 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba21 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba43 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba4b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba57 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba6b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba6c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba82 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bba86 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbae9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbaf1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbaf8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb1a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001bbb7a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001c1612 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001d93f2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001d9402 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001da164 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001da199 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001da769 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db521 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db556 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db58f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db5a8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db5b9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db62d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db632 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db78d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001db9e4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbac0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbac5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbd03 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbd60 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dbec1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001df2e2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001df34e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001df3dc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001dfdcc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e19cc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e19fe 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e1ae4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e20a2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e25ab 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e2b36 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e2b8e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e2c3a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e2c6d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e33a3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3446 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3474 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e361d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e36a4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e371f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3ce2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3d54 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3de0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3e82 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e3fc2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e4004 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e4150 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e4158 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e41a4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5d22 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5d71 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5dea 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5f38 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5f40 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5fa1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e5fb5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e603d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e7195 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e8370 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e841e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e8424 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e8432 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e84c6 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e9929 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001e9a0a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea2ac 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea2e6 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea379 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea3f2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea801 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ea8ff 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001eac3d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001eadb5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001eb6a2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ed07b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ed2dd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ed6bc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ed75b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ed801 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001edfcd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001edfd2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ee35d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ee482 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001eed4a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ef631 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ef63f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ef64c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efbdd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efbdf 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efcac 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efd96 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001efde8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f03e9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f04c8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f0764 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f0a01 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f1c40 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f1c65 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f1ce2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f230c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f24e2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f2a1d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f2c1f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f2d62 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f2df3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f2e45 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f313e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f3faa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f41a2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f4291 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f56a3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5711 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f573f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5816 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f583c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f58c0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5941 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f598f 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f599d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5a75 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5a91 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5abc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5c62 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5ce8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d1b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d2b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d37 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d47 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d83 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f5d92 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f60c2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f60d2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f60f7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6680 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6684 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6cf0 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6cf4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6d01 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f6d0a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f7202 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f73f5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f7523 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f79c1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f7fc9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f7ffd 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8008 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f806b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f807e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f80a8 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f80a9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8198 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8442 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8840 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8845 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8854 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8871 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8875 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8972 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f89dc 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8a6a 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f8bfa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001f9bfe 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fa79c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001faa12 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fac8c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fae47 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fbe66 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fc1df 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001feeaa 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001fef87 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ff144 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ff191 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ff1a9 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ff86b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ff9e2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffa05 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffa63 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffa6b 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffab5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffac3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000001ffdc6 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200263 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200908 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200a15 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200bf3 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000200c10 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000201014 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000201563 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002018b7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000202223 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020371c 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000203722 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020373e 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207562 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002075ac 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x00000000002077f1 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207cf5 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207d55 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207eb2 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207ec4 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x0000000000207fb7 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 0x000000000020817d 0.00% postgres postgres [.] 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