I use a Luhn algorithm to generete random number, inserted below sql code to column 'SKU"
ALTER TABLE m_product ALTER sku SET DEFAULT ltrim(to_char(luhn_generate(round(random()*10000)::int), '00000'))
as a result on record saving random number is generated, but my problem is the numbers are not unique.
Somone sugest that I  should write a function to encapsulate "ltrim(to_char(luhn_generate(
round(random()*10000)::int), '00000'))"  and at the same time, check if the value is already used in the table.
in pseudo code it would look something like this:
    needToGenerate = true
      skuGen = ltrim(to_char(luhn_generate(round(random()*10000)::int), '00000'))
      if((Select count(*) from M_Product where sku =skuGen) = 0
         needToGenerate =  false
   return skuGen
Culd somebody help me tu structure code into right sql format so it could be inserted into database.
Thank you very much.