Thanks for the prompt response. If such a file is needed for recovery it was never created by postgres. The current archiving process creates uses rsync to archive the WAL files to a shared archive area. In the past and on my other cluster we do not see .history files on the primary server and have been able to recover without them. If it helps I can send a copy of the WAL files and my postgres.conf files.


Tom Lane wrote:
"Keith Pierno" <> writes:
2009-06-15 13:25:12 EDT <::> PANIC:  unexpected timeline ID 6 (after 4) in
checkpoint record

Hmm.  It's complaining because it didn't find timeline 6 mentioned in
the timeline history file it read (if any).  Maybe you forgot to archive
or restore the NNNNNNNN.history file?

			regards, tom lane