I have pgsql server (Debian Wheezy, PGSQL 9.3) and pgadmin 1.18.1.

We have configured ssl auth outside LAN. We have keys protected wih password, because key without password is like password written on paper on monitor:-)

I tested my key with linux desktop and postgresql-client:

psql -h server.com -U postgres sslmode=require

and psql ask for password for key - after writing all is ok, psql connect to server.

But with pgadmin - all defined (root.crt, postgresql.crt, postgresql.key), but no asking for password for key.. And connection failed.. Log record:

2014-10-28 16:42:37 INFO   : Attempting to create a connection object...
2014-10-28 16:42:37 STATUS : Připojování k databázi...
2014-10-28 16:42:37 INFO   : Opening connection with connection string: host='server.com' dbname='postgres' user='postgres' port=5432 sslmode=require sslcert='C:\\Users\\Rob\\AppData\\Roaming\\postgresql\\postgresql-postgres.crt' sslkey='C:\\Users\\Rob\\AppData\\Roaming\\postgresql\\postgresql-postgres.key' sslrootcert='C:\\Users\\Rob\\AppData\\Roaming\\postgresql\\root.crt' sslcompression=0 application_name='pgAdmin III – prohlížeč'
2014-10-28 16:42:37 STATUS : Připojování k databázi... (0,12 sec)
2014-10-28 16:42:37 ERROR  : Error connecting to the server: could not load private key file "C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\postgresql-postgres.key": problems getting password

All permission seems OK, process monitor shows only "success" when pgadmin access to key file..

But I don't know why no ask password for key???
Thank you.

Robert Bisom
+420 736 606 800