vdat='2003-07-01' bdat='2003-08-01' # Auswertung tabelleninhalt echo "#" echo "# Anzahl Sätze in der DB, von Datum, bis Datum, Anzahl Tage" echo "#" psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF1 EXPLAIN ANALYZE select count(*), min(date) as Von, max(date) as Bis, max(date)-min(date) as Tage from flows; EOF1 # Auswertung Tage, Protokoll, Bytes, Pakete aufsummiert echo "#" echo "# Tagesstatistik je Protokoll" echo "#" psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF2 EXPLAIN ANALYZE select f.date as datum, p.pname as Protokoll, sum(f.sdbytes) + sum(f.dsbytes) as Bytes, sum(f.sdpkgs) + sum(f.dspkgs) as Pakete from protos p, flows f where f.date >= '$vdat' and f.date <= '$bdat' and f.type = p.pnum group by datum, protokoll order by datum, Bytes desc ; EOF2 echo "#" echo "# Tagesstatistik gesamt" echo "#" psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF3 EXPLAIN ANALYZE select f.date as datum, sum(f.sdbytes) + sum(f.dsbytes) as Bytes, sum(f.sdpkgs) + sum(f.dspkgs) as Pakete from flows f where f.date >= '$vdat' and f.date <= '$bdat' group by datum order by datum, Bytes desc ; EOF3 echo "#" echo "# Top 50: max( Bytes )" echo "#" psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF4 EXPLAIN ANALYZE select count(*), network(set_masklen(sip,16)), network(set_masklen(dip,16)), sum(sdbytes) + sum(dsbytes) as bytes from flows f where f.date >= '$vdat' and f.date <= '$bdat' group by network(set_masklen(sip,16)), network(set_masklen(dip,16)) order by bytes desc limit 50; EOF4 #psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF # select # -- n1.nname as src, n2.nname as dst # count(*) # from flows f, networks n1, networks n2, protos p # where # f.sip << n1.nnet and # f.dip << n2.nnet #EOF #psql -U pgsql nitpicker -c "\ #select \ # f.sip, f.dip, p.pname, \ # f.sdpkgs, f.dspkgs \ # from flows f, protos p where \ # not f.sip << '' and \ # not f.sip << '' and \ # not f.sip = '' and \ # not f.dip << '' and \ # not f.dip << '' and \ # not f.dip = '' and \ # f.type = p.pnum \ # order by sip, dip;" #psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOFX # drop table volumen; # create table volumen ( # year int4, # week int4, # snet inet, # dnet inet # ); # drop table n_temp; # create table n_temp ( # year int4, # week int4, # snet inet, # dnet inet, # sdbytes int8, # dsbytes int8, # sdpkgs int8, # dspkgs int8 # ); #EOFX #date #psql -U pgsql nitpicker << EOF # insert into n_temp # select # date_part( 'year', f.date ) , # date_part( 'week', f.date ), # n.nnet, network( set_masklen( f.dip, 16 ) ), # sum( f.sdbytes ), sum( f.dsbytes ), # sum( f.sdpkgs ), sum( f.dspkgs ) # from flows f, networks n # where # f.sip <<= n.nnet and # not f.dip <<= n.nnet # group by f.date, n.nnet, network( set_masklen( f.dip, 16 ) ) # union # select # date_part( 'year', f.date ) , # date_part( 'week', f.date ), # n.nnet, network( set_masklen( f.sip, 16 ) ), # sum( f.dsbytes ), sum( f.sdbytes ), # sum( f.dspkgs ), sum( f.sdpkgs ) # from flows f, networks n # where # f.dip <<= n.nnet and # not f.sip <<= n.nnet # group by f.date, n.nnet, network( set_masklen( f.sip, 16 ) ) # union # select # date_part( 'year', f.date ) , # date_part( 'week', f.date ), # network( set_masklen( f.sip, 16 ) ), network( set_masklen( f.dip, 16 ) ), # sum( f.sdbytes ), sum( f.dsbytes ), # sum( f.sdpkgs ), sum( f.dspkgs ) # from flows f, networks n # where # not f.sip <<= n.nnet and # not f.dip <<= n.nnet # group by f.date, network( set_masklen( f.sip, 16 ) ), network( set_masklen( f.dip, 16 ) ) #EOF #date # f.date >= '2003-03-28' and f.date <= '2003-04-01'